Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2023 04:07PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the notion behind an AI that it can know EVERYTHING and even create new content based on its governing assumptions (for instance, that the church is true)?
So if a mormon AI were to be created, it would "know" everything there was to know about mormonism and be able to not only preach it, but defend it!
Okay, yeah, but then about a week later, the first (of many) anti-mormon AIs would be created! And everyone could relax while the AIs battled it out, meaning (hopefully!) that there would never be a resolution and ...
Oops!! Okay, that would bring us back to faith...and having to pick an AI and have faith in it...
But at least the church AI would surely do a better job of choosing people for callings; that alone might be worth it, based on how much it could save the church in NDA money!
All in favor of a mormon AI, signify by raising your right arm to the square and pressing "Y" in the app.'ll be notified via the app two days before we pull your tithing from your account, you blessed child of Elohim, you!
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