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Posted by: tamboruco ( )
Date: January 31, 2023 01:05PM

According the article: "Scientists think we lost our body hair when we started walking and left the jungle for warmer climates."

This alone refutes major tenets of religions across the world and debunks major teachings on our origins found in the Bible. Interesting that KSL would feature the article.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: February 02, 2023 11:38AM

It’s odd saying they left the jungle for warmer climates. Jungles aren’t warm? If fur interfered with the ability to cool through perspiration, then losing fur would be useful in dryer climates, where perspiration works well to cool a person.

But that’s a quibble.

The church has long since given up trying to defend young earth creationism, though I am sure there are still rank and file nutters who still espouse it.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: February 02, 2023 03:26PM

Jungles are significantly cooler than the savanna, where so much of human evolution occurred.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: February 02, 2023 12:11PM

Which is more important, faith or properly controlled and documented laboratory experimentation?

Silly question, right?

No matter how much faith you have, experience tells us that recipes exist for a reason.  You can't make a chocolate cake with feces as the main ingredient ... well, one supposes you could say you did, but without a great deal of persuasion, no one will eat your cake.  So maybe one possible key to success is the power of persuasion?

Remember how a bunch of people 'offed' themselves in an effort to get aboard the spaceship hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet?  So that kind of persuasion obviously exists*.  

Where would humans be were it not for faith?  Although we do know, having had our faces mushed into it, that no set of facts can deter a person with sufficient faith.  And if that isn't the heart and soul of signing up to be a suicide bomber, then I'm monkey's uncle.

*Nobody knows but me and the two survivors of the Heaven's Gate koolaid party that those two chickened out at the last second and didn't drink the 'special vodka'.  (Who do you think called in the anonymous tip?)  I gave them a ride from Rancho Bernardo up to Glendale, where they said they were going to apply for work at a costumer's studio.  Last I heard they were doing fine, and had even learned Spanish, in order to know what their bosses and their co-workers were saying about them.  You can't make this up!!  Also, they still won't touch vodka.

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