Posted by:
Date: March 16, 2023 05:29PM
>Compare BY. He was surely a racist and didn't object to slavery when practiced by the few Mormons who owned slaves, but he never used his overwhelming powers in Utah to give it legal status in that state.
Actually, BY did use his powers to legalize slavery in Utah."Speaking before territorial lawmakers in 1852, he made his position on the issue clear, declaring, “I am a firm believer in slavery.” He also maintained that if “a master has a Negro, and uses him well, he is much better off than if he was free.” He further observed that “the Negro in the Southern states are much better treated than the laboring classes of England.” In 1852, Young urged the legislature to adopt “An Act in Relation to Service” which legally recognized the enslavement of black people in the Great Basin.""In early 1852, Governor Young asked the legislature to give legal sanction to slavery throughout the territory. Young got what he wanted. On February 4, 1852, Utah became the only territory west of the Missouri River and north of the Missouri Compromise line of 36°30' to legalize slavery."