Posted by:
Date: April 07, 2023 08:01AM
You graduate from school. You retire from your job. Ask yourself, why can you not graduate or retire from the church? After a period of time, did you ever learn anything new there, or at the temple? Did you not spend enough time, even decades, doing service as directed by the church? Did you not give the church more than enough money, which it evidently has no use for? How about spending the latter part of your life living it as you see fit?
You may or may not want to go deeper down the rabbit hole. If you do, a good place to start is the website Mormon Think, which presents both the faithful point of view alongside the questioning point of view. CES Letter was written by a former Church Education System teacher, and outlines his problems with the church. can be here for you wherever you are at on your jouney. Just know that no church owns you, that you are a free person, and that you can determine your own destiny.