I had that thought earlier today too. How if Mormonism creates this infantalization in us as adults, then part of leaving and maturing normally would mean abandoning the box they tried to fit us in. An acknowledgement that there is no box, that people aren't wrong for having lived a different life experience than you have. And I think about how much of Mormonism was about fear, how scared I was all the time, scared of myself, my own feelings, my own thoughts. Scared of being bad or unworthy, to the point where I couldn't afford to empathize with "sinners" or those who lived differently. I felt pity for them, which is not the same thing.
blackcoatsdaughter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > An acknowledgement that there is no box, that > people aren't wrong for having lived a different > life experience than you have.
This is the crux of the entire matter. I wish people would embrace this concept and it would take care of most everything else. The other person isn't wrong because they have different opinions, standards, beliefs (absent the bottom line stuff that should meet universal approval, such as the sanctity of life and equally weighty basic principles).
You disagree with me? Well, that's OK. It's a big wide world. And it could be beautiful. Or at least more peaceful when it comes to interpersonal interactions.
Not everybody is the same. (Newsflash!!)
And that's OK. In fact, it's the only thing that makes any kind of sense.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2023 09:24PM by Nightingale.
Why does Judge Judy need to be such a rude witch all the time!? (She's not necessarily wrong because...jeez...people can be so stupid.)
Honestly, all her show is about is people subjecting themselves to being humiliated by her for money. What is wrong with our culture that we reward her so well?
I think she just gets tired of stupid. She doesn't get really rude until she explains the law three times and people don't listen. She will try to fix ignorance but stupid gets to her. Or someone lies. Do not lie to her, she will expose you as an ass. Once in a while she will be incredibly kind. She is an interesting woman.