There is a new bill board I pass on my way back from Trader Joe's. "Who decides right and wrong?" it asks while featuring a large image of a Holy Bible. So simple. Excellent advertising. I'm surprised they didn't just say, "Got Bible?"
So I thought about the way Christians hide behind Jesus who did a few nice things among many others and are fond of saying, "WWJD?"
Well Jesus said he was doing his Father's bidding. So I thought, let's cut the crap and just say WWGD?
Some things are . . .
If people just aren't being what you want them to be, not up to snuff, why not just drown them all?
If you want to control a dominant society why not just kill all their first borns?
You want to know if one of your employees can be trusted no matter what? How about killing his family and giving him boils?
Or, perhaps just have him sacrifice something he loves, like say . . . a son.
Try as he might though, supposedly Omnipotent God couldn't seem to get the upper hand with the Pharaoh so he had to send plagues and pestilence. Frogs, and death fogs of darkness, boils, hail, locusts, and rivers of blood, and even lice. The Holy Kitchen Sink.
So that is what God would do. The Holy Bible tells us so.
Makes me think though, this "loving Heavenly Father" had one more trick up his sleeve, one more plague to send to humankind----Religion. Enough to go around. Impossible to escape. Saved the best for last. That one, which divides and conquers, seems to be working very well at causing enough strife and suffering to please even God.
And the WWJD people? Don't kid yourself. They are doing "God's" work.
There's a path of reasoning that can be easily followed regarding LIFE being nothing more than proof that being alive is all about the competition...with an occasional meteor strike, which is probably the ultimate deux ex machina.
The fly in my ointment is symbiosis...
How come I would rather have a dog and/or a cat than not?
One of my problems with 'life its ownself' is that I can't figure out if I'm an atheist too distracted to fight with ghawd, or just an agnostic who is too fond of pointing fingers...
But in my mind, there is no doubt that IF the Christian ghawd exists, he is a major asshole who succeeded in his climb to the top of the narcissist dung hill.
I think most of us were born with the ability to see that "cooperating" has value, but then we're allowed to learn that cheating (and even hurting) others has some very apparent immediate 'value.'
Apparently, there are enough Redditors who might need this product that the seller selected that platform rather than using Google-targeted ads, of which I still receive plenty, despite my well-known antipathy towards Applied Malevolence and ping-pong paddles.