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Posted by: nolongerin ( )
Date: April 22, 2023 09:14PM

I used to follow the board all the time and was a fairly active poster nearly 20 years ago. I haven't logged in for at least 10 years.

In January, after 34 years of marriage (married in the temple, but "lost" all blessings when I resigned about 13 years ago) I divorced.

I can say now that I questioned my marriage from three weeks in, but thought I was doing the right thing by marrying. After all, I was thirty.

Truth: I don't miss the LDS church, I don't miss my ex, I don't miss being married. Pretty sure I'm likely to go on in life as a single woman.

Best result of my marriage and Mormon years: my kids, all of whom shake their heads at Mormonism, all of whom turned out to be better humans than they would have if they had grown up with a Relief Society mom.

I'm a pretty happy 65 year old.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: April 22, 2023 09:25PM

Good for you. I mean that sincerely. It's a shame we have to make so many important decisions when we are young and subjected to church expectations.

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Posted by: unconventional ( )
Date: April 22, 2023 10:09PM

Knowing men the way I do (I am one), I fully understand your sentiment, and congratulate you on your freedom after so many years.

Wishing you many years of happiness ahead.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 12:42AM

Welcome back, and I'm glad to hear that you are following your bliss (from a fellow 60-something single.)

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Posted by: alsd ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 02:26AM


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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 02:32AM

Life has a way of making things look better in hindsight. For example, my ex-wife changed my mind about the Salem witch trials.

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Posted by: fed up with the lies ( )
Date: April 25, 2023 10:07PM

i'm really happy too to be out of the cult except i did keep my kids in it. they hated it but i thought i was doing the right thing. they turned out bad as the church was bad for them.

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