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Silence is Golden
Date: May 01, 2023 12:42PM
Along with the arrival of spring, we all move back outdoors and catch up with the neighbors.
This weekend one conversation went on a hard tangent, since this neighbor was in a religious mindset. He went on about the signs of the times, the return of Christ, and how our nation is going to be brought to its knees.
I looked at him and said that civilizations in general collapse after they become high and mighty, and get stuck on their superiority. It has happened over and over again over thousands of years, and it may be no different for the United States or any other country for that matter if we do not watch our P's and Q's.
But this lead me to this observation as I thought upon what was said.
What is with humankinds infatuation with doomsday stories and claims, can we just not learn to get on with it and yank our heads, and leave all this death and destruction crap behind us?