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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: September 04, 2023 05:28PM

Just finished reading an account of Wilford Woodruff's mission where he claims over 1800 baptisms in England oner a nine month period.

I wonder how successful the current apostles would be?

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 04, 2023 06:31PM

I'm only following up on this because Judic West, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is featured in this amazing Wiflord Woofdroid (funnier to say) story.

A local bishop was upset at Wiflord Woofdroid's success in converting members of a Methodist offshoot and wrote to Judic West, the Archbishop of Canterbury, asking that Judic have the House of Lords make a rule that American mormons not be allowed to convert sturdy English Yeomen, because it wasn't fair to the local Anglican ministers.

But Judic (hallowed be his name) was having none of it.  He responded to that bishop: "If they [the Anglican ministers] had the worth of souls at heart as much as they valued the ground where hares, foxes, and hounds ran, they would not lose so many of their flock.”  (Yeah, I know!  I get shivers, too!!)

But I have to be honest and say that I have no idea what Judic was prattling on about, so all I'll say at this point is, forsooth!  You can never go wrong forsoothing...  Aftsoothing just doesn't cut it.

Below is a link where you can read one account of Wiflord Woofdroid's missionary experiences in England.  It boils down to mormonism being the answer to another recently formed church's needs.  These United Brethren had no connection with the mainstream churches because the members were poor peasant stock; they were willing to be absorbed.

Remember, at that point in time, the Boof of Mormon was not readily available, which was fine because English yeomen probably had little interest in Native Americans and their majestic history.

Here's a link to a version of the Wiflord Woofdroid English mission story:,few%20months%20of%20his%20arrival.

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Posted by: Soft Machine ( )
Date: September 05, 2023 04:58AM

Aftsoothing (with a pre-calibrated rectrospectroscope) is easier than forsoothing - and much more accurate.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 05, 2023 11:25PM

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 16, 2023 03:47PM

Soft Machine Wrote:
> Aftsoothing (with a pre-calibrated
> rectrospectroscope) is easier than forsoothing -
> and much more accurate.

Sounds painful though. :)

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Posted by: klm ( )
Date: September 16, 2023 04:54AM

As someone pointed out. His experience was exceptional, since he managed to get nearly an entire denomination/church congregation to meet up.

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Posted by: kentish ( )
Date: September 16, 2023 03:21PM

A yoeman was a specific "title" given to a person whe freely held a small piece of land. Also a term applied to servants of standing in high estates. It did not describe the poor and disenfranchised who likely made up the bulk of early converts. I wonder how much "missionaries" like Woodruff sold the idea of a gathering in a new and spacious land along with the Mormon gospel. Desparation can be a great motivator.

Reading this thread, I had a flash back to a Saturday moving irrigation pipe on a welfare farm near Elberta,Utah. It was hot, dry and barren in contrast with the lush green of England. I wondered then how many faced a "no going back" disillusionment as they viewed surroundings so vast
ly different from what they had left. Even a familiar slum in a city might have seemed more inviting as an option over a desert with only an unseen promise of flowering.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 16, 2023 03:46PM

kentish! are you back?! :)

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Posted by: kentish ( )
Date: September 16, 2023 04:44PM

Yes, Nightingale. I have been back a few days adjusting to the time change and such. No least from a tumble I took while entering the Heathrow hotel we stayed at the night before our return flight.

Had a very good visit with family that included a few days in Wales and in Salisbury, Wiltshire. All in all very worthwhile.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 16, 2023 03:32PM

> Reading this thread, I had
> a flashback to a Saturday
> moving irrigation pipe on a
> welfare farm near Elberta,
> Utah.  It was hot, dry and
> barren in contrast with the
> lush green of England.  I
> wondered then how many had
> faced a "no going back"
> disillusionment as they
> viewed surroundings so
> vastly different from what
> they had left.

This is why the church needed to create the fiction of "seeing with your spiritual eyes."

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 03:46PM

Yeah, but I smell the usual Mormon hero-making, grand stories that may not have been -- and often weren't -- real. The thing I'll always remember about him is his 1890 "manifesto" on the abandonment of polygamy, and how he then took another polygamous wife in 1897. Hmm. Is this why the church had to publish a "we really mean it this time" Second Manifesto in 1904? One might well ask.

(Was the word "manifesto" used a lot back then, or just among Mormons?)

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 04:18PM

but his nickname would often confuse people.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 09:34PM

Manuel Festo was much like your second wife: there was a commitment up front, but then she was ignored for decades.

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