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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 01:41PM

I saw the thread so I better deliver. A couple things....I don't always measure exact amounts so I will approximate some of them (you can't really go wrong) and.....they aren't baked! I make them on the stove top, but you can bake them or put them in a crock pot too.

2 large cans of B&M Baked Beans (these are the absolute best, substitute other brands at your own peril)

1 lb. ground beef

1 Pkg bacon (I think they are around 12 oz. these days, but 1 lb. works too if that's what they sell)

1 large sweet Onion, chopped

Molasses (maybe 1/4 - 1/3 cup)

Ketchup (maybe 1/4 - 1/2 cup)

Yellow Mustard (maybe 1/4 cup)

Brown Sugar (maybe 1/4 - 13 cup)

Black Pepper (to taste)

Brown the ground beef in a large pot, drain grease/ remove beef from pot.

Brown the bacon in the same pot, drain grease/ remove bacon from pot.

Sauté the chopped onion in the same pot until it starts turning yellow'ish/ clear.

Add the beef and bacon back to the pot with the onions.

Add the beans to the pot.

Add the molasses, ketchup, mustard, brown sugar and black pepper.

Stir to combine the ingredients.

Bring to low boil, then cover and simmer for a couple hours, stirring regularly so it doesn't stick to the bottom.

Eat when they are ready, and they always taste a little better the next day.


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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 02:15PM

Where do you find authentic B&M baked beans?

Not trying to derail your tasty recipe, but the original company closed in 2021. It says that production was moved to Iowa and outsourced the balance of ingredients to factories in other states.

It sounds like the good old days of beans cooked in open pots in Portland are long gone :(

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:07PM

I buy them at Fred Meyer here in Oregon. Safeway has them, as well as Amazon, Walmart, etc. They're still around, I have a couple cans in my pantry :)

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 02:42PM

Where do I place my order, Roy? And do you accept personal checks on EOD's account?

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:10PM

you can order here, but you have to come to Oregon to pick them up.

As far as EOD checking account goes, I'm sure he'd gladly pay me Tuesday for a bowl of baked beans today, so probably no on that one.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:31PM

Hey, I have a relative who lives in Oregon. Just around the Bend, in a sense.

I'll just tell him to follow the rainbow!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2023 03:31PM by Lot's Wife.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 07:14PM

>> I'll just tell him to follow the rainbow! <<

He may just find a pile of skittles if he does that. And, if it's the year of Christ's return, there won't be any rainbows, so that could complicate things.

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Posted by: knotheadusc ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:11PM


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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:27PM

> Brown Sugar (maybe 1/4 - 13 cup)

I'm gonna go with 13 cups, and

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 11:41AM

Rrrroll that beautiful bean footage.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:41PM


Brown Sugar (maybe 1/4 - 1/3 cup)

EOD can still use 13 cups per my typo, he likes his extra sweet!

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 03:53PM

I thought EOD liked his food extra spicy. I figured that he would be asking to replace brown sugar with tabasco sauce.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 04:23PM

Hilarious you guys.

Thanks for the laugh.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 11:12AM

Addition, forgot one thing....

Add a splash of Worcestershire sauce, maybe 1/2 Tablespoon.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 05:54PM

Roy G Biv Wrote:
> Add a splash of Worcestershire sauce, maybe 1/2
> Tablespoon.

Two things. Make it three.

1. It sounds incredible!

2. I don't cook.

3. I am apparently incapable of learning how to pronounce Worcestershire sauce. It's a tongue-twister for me so my brain just blanks out. Too many syllables and/or too many 's' sounds all in a row. Or something like that.

Oh, there's a #4: This thread keeps making me unbearably hungry. For something that's not in my kitchen. (Where not a lot of cooking takes place).

Yum though.

PS: In case I ever do manage to rustle up the beans: Can you substitute the W sauce with HP? Because HP is the one holy and true God of sauce in a bottle.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 07:18PM

I had to google HP sauce :) I'm sure you could substitute with it, you actually don't need the W sauce, but I always add a sploosh.

Here's one for you if you're not a "cook".

I buy small flour tortilla's (they're called "Street Tacos" in the store, I think Mission is the Brand. They are about 4 or 5 inches in diameter. You can use larger ones too.

Put them on a cookie sheet lined with foil or parchment, spread some pizza sauce on them (I buy it in a bottle for a couple bucks), sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese (I buy it in a bag) over the sauce, add toppings (pepperoni is easy), sprinkle more cheese on top, sprinkle Italian seasoning on top, bake at 425 F for about 12 minutes or when done to your liking.

Makes a great meal or snack when you're craving pizza or something hot and savory.

Please tell me can "cook" this :)

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 09:05PM

Thanks, Roy <3

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 18, 2023 09:42PM

Roy, what size can of beans? Safeway only has the 16 oz.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 11:10AM

Pretty sure its 16 oz. Its the size up from the smaller cans which are about the size of a regular soup can. I've also used 3 of the small cans.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 12:26PM

Bueno. We’re making it tonight!

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 02:01PM

Hope it turns out nice, you really can't mess it up. I think the mustard is the one thing you might not want to overdo, but otherwise you should be fine.

My mom used to make these, or very similar, when I was a kid. My mom was from the mid-west. When I married my wife, I made them and her mom commented that they reminded her of the mid-west. She was from the mid-west too, so maybe it was a thing over there.

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Posted by: sbg ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 02:27PM

This is exactly how my midwestern Mom made them. Might cut the recipe in half since it’s just me.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 02:30PM

Beth, you must return and report the results. We need an independent 2nd opinion!

(Not that Rainbow man's opinion isn't enough or anything.)

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 02:10PM

Where's the part where they're BAKED?

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 02:11PM

Everything Roy does is baked.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 04:20PM

Well, at least half baked.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 07:50PM

Once you're baked, all your ideas are half-baked.

That's what Beth tells me.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 11:12AM

>> That's what Beth tells me. <<

So you've been talking to my wife? Well, she would know better than anyone.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 04:19PM

>> Where's the part where they're BAKED? <<

IT"S ON THE CAN! Label says BAKED beans. Plus I added my disclaimer in the original post :)

Sure, you could bake them again but why bother?

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Posted by: Works4me ( )
Date: September 19, 2023 08:27PM

You forgot the beer - how much beer?

And it better not be the whole can else-wise that'd be like fishing.

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Posted by: MarkJ ( )
Date: September 24, 2023 07:03AM

The full spectrum of flavor.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: September 25, 2023 03:49PM

Nice one! :)

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 01:03PM

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 01:11PM

We’ve been having some bacon-retention issues in my house.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 01:13PM

LOL Better hide the bacon.

Let us all know what time to show up for a sample so we can see if Roy knows his beans.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 01:29PM

I know! It’s about 10:30 am, I’m browning the bacon, and some adult children just woke up to see if I was making French toast. If their eyes had been open, they’d seen me glaring. I might get over my aversion to calling them lazy at some point.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 01:56PM

It looks and smells amazing. I skipped the mustard but did add the wurst-a-shear, so once everything melds, I’ll tell you how it tastes.

I was having a helluva time getting the pot to deglaze when I sautéed the onions, but all the frond came loose when I added the meat, beans, etc.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 02:06PM

I love that crusty stuff that sticks to the pan best!

My kids would die of shock if they ever woke up to me cooking them French toast. LOL

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 02:24PM

Yeah, I mean, it’s great having them nearby, but down the street would be better.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 02:26PM


Sometimes I'd rather put it like this:

"Yeah, I mean, it’s great having them nearby, but in the street would be better."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2023 02:32PM by Lot's Wife.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 02:56PM

I keep trying to remind myself how lonely I was before they came. And they do come through. I think I’m getting grouchier as I age.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 05:18PM

They're lucky to have you--in many ways.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 12:20AM

Pshaw. I’m a passive-aggressive harridan.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 02:52PM

BEST damn baked beans I've ever had!

I can feel my arteries hardening accordingly.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: September 30, 2023 03:44PM

Thank you!

Roy, you should be proud and thanks for sharing this.

Now I'm going to have to try and make them for the family.

Maybe someday I can see how it turns out with plant protein fake ground beef and some kind of fake bacon substitutes. I would prefer that for me if it works.

Beth, I think you might find that kids living in the next town is even better than down the street. ;-)

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 12:19AM

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 12:42AM

Not really. I think there are fake bacon bit thingies maybe. Maybe I'll settle for turkey bacon if it will work.

I'm a vegan wannabe but not very good at it most of the time. These beans sound too good not to try.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 01:22AM

I was a vegan wannaba until I tried nayonaise. Plus I need cheese. Lots of cheese.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 01:10AM

A good fake bacon? Isn't that like inquiring whether you can buy Fentanyl Lite?

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 01:21AM

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: October 01, 2023 02:19AM


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