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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 04:27PM

How much effort will men in the CK put into thinking about, planning, and then having sex? How about what percentage of the working day does having thoughts about sex, and then having sex, average out to?

Obviously, the role of 'The Woman' has changed since JoJu was doing jumping around on his mortal coil.  When he was alive, JoJu ever said much about the role of 'The Woman' in the CK, other than as a bearer of The Fruit of Men's Loins, but have women changed with regard to what they thought about it back then, to what they may be thinking about it now?

Will 'The Woman' have the power to change things in the CK?

One supposes that Growing the Family is important in the CK.  Could this explain why there are times when we sometimes try to call on ghawd, we get no answer?

Are there times when a conscientious ghawd picks up a prayer-line call, and it really pisses off the wife he happens to be with at the moment, ruining it for her, and her knowing it won't be her turn again for a long, long time?

(Also, is there any wife/goddess-swapping in the CK?  How can anyone who knows Joseph like I know Joseph doubt that?  Has anyone ever asked a modern prophet?)

You all probably think I was joking when I've theorized that Celestial sperm, once released from it's bonds, have the power of flight AND eternal life..., but why not?  Okay, I'll answer my own question... Yeah, I am joking.  Here's why not:  Everyone, in the days of my youth, knew that a daddy ghawd and mommy ghawd didn't lay down together, to grunt, sweat and wallow on a ghawd-sized bed in order to make a baby spirit child.

Nope, we knew it was one of the Mysteries...  But we did know that Daddy ghawd and Momma ghawd had to work together with what we at that time called "intelligence," aka, the proper proportions of Dark Matter & Dark Energy.  (The Cat will surely verify this, along with the Ghawd Partical...)

We didn't know about Dark Matter & Dark Energy back during the Dark Ages of the 20th Century when gear shifts were on the steering column...  Can you even imagine that!?!  The shift lever on the steering column and getting leeches at the barber shop co-existed in the 1950s!  Would I lie?

What keeps Celestial Beings busy?  Once you know EVERYTHING that's happened, is happening, and that will happen (Yo, waz happenin', dude!?!  Hey, just kidding; obviously I know!), is there a point to getting out of bed? Especially given that ghawds shouldn't have to poop or pee...or put the trash cans out by the curb!

You know that saying, "How now, brown cow..."?  Doesn't it make more sense to be asking, "What now, brown cow..."?

With regard to mormonism in our lives, one moment, many of us were saying, "This is all true!" and then at some later moment in time, we were saying, with equal vehemence, "How can anyone think this is all true?"

The lucky ones say, "I never thought it was true..."

What happens between those two moments, of belief and then non-belief, is what life may be all about.  

But it's least in my view.  In my view, human life is all about starting, learning, accepting, enduring, more accepting, a lot more enduring, and then hitting "Post message" on RfM...

But you think whatever you want, or you can opt-out and think whatever The Cat wants you to think...  Lord knows he tries hard enough!

Finally, is being a ghawd and living 'The Life' in the CK a life of leisure or a life of service?

And if it's a combination of the two, who is in charge of ensuring you don't have too much of one or the other?  And if there is a "Regulator," doesn't that mean that Lucifer's plan, the one rejected for the Earth, was likely rejected because it's the way ghawds run things, and as probationers, we weren't going to be allowed to have it that easy?

How likely is it that the Universe is a Union shop and all that can go wrong in a Union shop HAS gone wrong?

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 04:47PM

Golf course closed today?

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 04:49PM

Oh, come on. Mother in Heaven filed for divorce after that whole "Noah and the Flood" fiasco. Her reaction was "you did what?!"

Elohim is a single dad. He won't "let" us pray to Mother in Heaven because she has moved out, and he is embarrassed to admit that he has been dumped.

He does a Sudoku puzzle in the morning, and spends the rest of the day golfing, when he is not in Ward Council Meeting, or whatever it is called this year.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: September 20, 2023 05:06PM

As below so above.

The symbol of the church is a beehive.

So.....once per wife and done, she'll be perpetually pumping out organized intelligences.

Perhaps like the octopus, mating is done in seconds.

After that of course you'll need to carefully choose one daughter per world, (worlds are number without end remember) to have intercourse with to birth your priest-king blood sacrifice.

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Posted by: sunbeep ( )
Date: September 21, 2023 05:06PM

Hmmm, seems like somewhere I heard that one day in god's time is the same as 1000 years in our time, or something like that.

So, if papa god "sets" mama god with child, then she is going to be enduring that for a very long time. How appealing.

And, if papa god can set many mama gods in one day, holy smokes, there will great need for many mansions somewhere.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 21, 2023 05:13PM

I realize that things in the pre-existence don't work as they do in this vale of tears. But the way you focus on the concrete needs of children makes me think of the psychic damage that heavenly polygamy would produce.

After what polygamy did to my parental lineages, I can't imagine the cosmic misery that would ensue from such a celestial childhood.

Thank you for humanizing the issue.

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