Although I am not a football fan, I will submit my speculation of what is going on.
Witht the advent of the portal and players now able to sign contracts and earn money. Why would you go to BYU?
Unless you are so TBM or BYU is the only school that will give you a scholarship, why would you go? The honor code is stifling, you are preached to constantly, watched constantly, and have to take religion courses in order to graduate. National talked about football talent is rare among the ranks of the TBM's, so in my opinion the results of the program is a result of the culture. You can pretty well attend any other college, get a scholarship, drink, party, date whomever, and still end up with a degree. And even if you do not want to drink or party, you still get a degree and the paranoid honor code office is not watching your every move. So no, its never going to be a great football team, perhaps on occassion a good one, but never a great one.
Funny, last night my family got together for a pre Thanksgiving dinner, as everyone is scattering around for actual Thanksgiving dinner.
Something came up about the LDS family neighbor, my daughter started laughing and said that one of the BYU football games the opposing fans were holding up signs that read "BYU Soaks".
I know about 10 times more than any of my family about LDS ( and only about 10% of what everyone at RFM knows).
A couple of the younger kids, both in college, started giggling and my wife got on her phone a looked it up. Her jaw hit the floor and I was asked if i knew what it meant. Of course I was asked where I learned about it, told them, I heard about it 50 years ago in Star Valley.... end of discussion.
Have many fond memories of Star Valley, in many ways I wished I would have been able to stay.
Was offered a 200 acre ranch, w/3 bedroom house, milk barn and a year round flowing spring, all for $60K. But this was back in 1968, I was making $6600 a year.
A few years later, people were subdividing and selling 5 acre lots for $100K.
GNPE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > They lost to Oklahoma today, they were on the game > but lost. > > Not a good year for BYU football.
Any talk about killing intercollegiate sports there like they did at BYUI? There are still a lot of pissed off Ricks alumni over the death if Ricks Vikings sports.
No more Ricks College Vikings? I never gave a crap about sports or the Vikings, but in 1977 when I was a freshman at Ricks, I bought a thick yellow ceramic mug at the bookstore and it says "Ricks College Vikings" on it. Quite a souvenir now, I guess.