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Posted by: UsedToBeARegular ( )
Date: November 19, 2023 04:35PM

I've been so disconnected from Mormonism the past few years I had no idea what all was going on other than the usual nonsense. But the fact Nelson finally died slipped into my news feed. So I checked back here to see what the aftermath might be only to learnard had also croaked. So who's in the big chair now, and what other rearranging of deck chairs has come to pass?

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: November 19, 2023 04:59PM

Who had "also croaked"?

(I like to keep up).

Welcome back even if only for the death watch...

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 19, 2023 05:35PM

Ballard is the Russell who recently passed. Rusty Nelson is still alive and kicking.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: November 19, 2023 07:59PM

> Nelson is still alive and kicking.

Apparently so, yes. But that electric cord running up his trouser leg is suspicious as hell.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 20, 2023 06:16AM

As long as the church can supply batteries for his lighted pen, he is good to go!

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: November 20, 2023 12:00PM

"Rusty Nelson is still alive and kicking."

Sort of depends on one's definition of alive. His breath probably shows up on a mirror but beyond that there is still something very "dead" going on there.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: November 20, 2023 06:01AM

Mormon leaders are soon forgotten. They are quite disposable.

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Posted by: screen name ( )
Date: November 20, 2023 07:52AM

UsedToBeARegular Wrote:
> the fact Nelson
> finally died slipped into my news feed. So I
> checked back here to see what the aftermath might
> be only to learnard had also croaked. So who's in
> the big chair now, and what other rearranging of
> deck chairs has come to pass?


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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: November 20, 2023 09:53AM

I converted Mel Ballard to an exmo by proxy. He is now sipping coffee in the spirit world.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 02:14AM

The other 11 apostles upon hearing of Elder Ballard's passing:

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Posted by: Zelph the Apostate ( )
Date: November 25, 2023 11:52PM

Nelson likley to croak before cranking over the odometer to 3 digits.

Jeffrey 'jowles' Holland is soon to follow, with Eyring close behind.

April con-france might be the new regime!

Dallin Hoax will be the new hard-liner strong man! But what neo-con Morm's will head the high command?

Ook-dorf and the octoberfest crowd is a hard no and Quinn El Kook is far too much of a weenus....

Ah yes, Bednar is a smart money bet, but who shall be second? The league of evil has too many limp noodles as of late.

I wonder what we take for granted today that will be a win for Satan tomorrow?

Perhaps new penalties in the temple! More penalizing than ever! The return of the five points of being felt up? Perhaps a grasp, just below the equator, to check for priesthood authority? New secret grips to pass the ghetto fences of heaven?

My the future looks exciting!

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