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Posted by: Twinker ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 05:33PM

Today two different stories came up on my feed, one after another re: Mormonism.

One was whining about the threat to religious freedom; the other about the sentencing of a serial Mormon child molester.

Made me think: What religious freedom is under threat? The church's ability to counsel and forgive sex abusers and reinstate them into church positions without having to report to the police?

Is that what they mean by religious freedom?

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 07:58PM

There can be no freedom of religion without freedom FROM religion.

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Posted by: Soft Machine ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 04:17AM

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 08:57PM

I think on the religious freedom stage it is far more concerning elevating the will of the corporation above the will of locals and any laws they have.

The last two cases, Cody Wyoming and Heber City Utah, the church has demanded exemption from local laws and zoning restrictions and to be allowed to build temples how, when and where they may even if such buildings violate local laws.

When challenged or denied the church goes full Karen and threatens any members in government with loss of their recommend if they oppose the demands of the church and then threaten to sue under religious freedom laws if that fails.

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Posted by: blindguy ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 11:46PM

Many of those who shout religious freedom are the same as those who are pro-second amendment. In both cases, they wish the absolute freedom to do what they please without regard to the personal and social consequences to others. In other words, the problem is an absolutist one, not so much a religious freedom one.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 11:53PM

Freedom for thee but not for me.

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 10:02AM

Freedom for their religion to dictate how you live while they make a lot of money while doing so.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 10:36AM

By "religious freedom" they really mean "religious immunity".

What should I think of people who want to continue a scam that should be illegal?

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Posted by: squirrley ( )
Date: November 25, 2023 12:53PM

Like everything else about LDS Inc., money is what matters.

The main motivation behind the religious freedom malarkey is to make sure churches are NOT TAXED.

All the old, cynics in the Q12 care about is money. It gives them a "win" to talk about and count their money. Look how well we have done to have all this money.

Money matters more than anything else to LDS Inc.

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Posted by: Villager ( )
Date: November 25, 2023 03:19PM

I think some christian churches, especially The Mormons, want to be able to re-write American history. They want christianity to play the main role in the founding of our country. This is just not the truth. A theocratic/government like the one in England was exactly what they did NOT want in our constitution.

When I was a middle schooler (7th grade) I wondered why if God sent Columbus to "discover" North America, why weren't all the founding fathers Mormon or at least christian. Some of them were atheists or had no religious beliefs. Ben Franklin made fun of men who dug for treasure years before Joseph Smith was born. Franklin said those men could make more money by digging rows to plant crops..... and he was right. This was BEN FRANKLIN! calling out Joseph Smith before he was born.

I think this is the main reason they did away with the BOM pageants like at hill Cumorah. The history and anthropology were so flawed as to be laughable. Mormons would never be taken seriously as an important part of the founding of the U.S.

Religious freedom to some wacky mormons is to re-write Joseph Smith into American history. When I read that Tim Ballard was leading travel tours to New England and the 13 colonies I was dumbfounded. He is not a historian or an expert in the founding of our country. He was adding BS christianity to his historical stories. R.Russell Ballard joined him on one of these "trips" to hear Tim spout off false history.

Re-writing actual history is what some people think is Religious Freedom.

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Posted by: Twinker ( )
Date: November 25, 2023 06:43PM

Right on, Villager!

Freedom of religion means the freedom to "bamboozle"!

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