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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 06:37PM

To all of the Americans here. Have a happy and safe weekend!

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Posted by: wowbagger ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 07:43PM

and to the Canadians? Happy Thursday!!

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 07:57PM

Lethbridge Reprobate Wrote:
> To all of the Americans here.

It's pretty much all Americans here, as far as I'm aware, LR. LOL!

If you want to say North Americans that would include us, obviously. But - on another note - I've already eaten my turkey!

(Because Canada is first in the Thanksgiving line. Yay). :)

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 10:39PM

Hey Nightingale...a quiet Thursday here for me...and 6 weeks ago we smoked a ham for Canadian Thanksgiving.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 01:56PM

Lethbridge Reprobate Wrote:
> Hey Nightingale...a quiet Thursday here for
> me...and 6 weeks ago we smoked a ham for Canadian
> Thanksgiving.

I don't know why but the term 'Canadian Thanksgiving' always makes me laugh. Why can't we just say 'Thanksgiving'. I guess to differentiate from the later celebration in the USA. But why do we have to?

I did enjoy it this year though. My sister was visiting and she took me out for a huge meal of roast turkey with all the trimmings. I was embarrassed when I saw the photo she took of me at the table - my plate of food was enormous. It would usually have been enough for three meals for me but I ate it all in one sitting as it was so good I couldn't stop eating. I didn't need another meal for about a week after that.

Now I'm already looking forward to Christmas, mainly for another turkey dinner.

I don't usually eat much meat - just a bit of chicken at times to spark up a salad but twice a year I do pig out on turkey and gravy.

Of course, nobody made gravy (or the rest of the meal) as well as my dear mum used to. I never discovered her secret that made it so amazingly delicious. We all still talk about how much we miss her cooking. Kind of shallow of us I guess. But it's a predominant memory for each of us.

I can't believe after I ate all that in October I'm already counting the days until I can do it again in December.

Meanwhile, my sis is back at home in the US soon to enjoy her second Thanksgiving meal this year. I'm sure I'll be getting more pictures of their weekend feast with friends as they get together to celebrate.

(I would be remiss if I didn't mention {{cough cough}} that I am mostly observing the same old distancing measures due to all the respiratory viruses around and about at this time of year so I'm missing out on a few celebrations here and there but did make exceptions to spend precious time with my sister. I don't get to see her nearly often enough).

Anyway - turkey - yum. Gravy - bonus. Stuffing is my favourite but I was spoiled - nobody can make it like ma could. She didn't have a recipe so I just can't reproduce her unique blend of ingredients that made hers so absolutely amazing.

OK, so now I'm hungry - for that.

Meanwhile, hope all our American pals are having a lovely and festive weekend.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 03:11PM

> I don't know why, but the term
> 'Canadian Thanksgiving' always
> makes me laugh.

I know, right!!

It's like when someone says "Canadian football"...

There's a tie for my favorite team name:

The Blue Bombers and the Redblacks...  I imagine the latter players paralyzed in confusion at a roulette table.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 04:59PM

elderolddog Wrote:
> It's like when someone says "Canadian
> football"...

Hey - ever notice how up here we only need three downs to get where we're going whereas in America it takes four!

I think it makes our game faster and more exciting - no relaxing for 3 tries and then still getting another shot.

Our field is bigger than the US one and so we get an extra player.

Can't have too many sporty guys on one field in my book. The more the merrier!

> There's a tie for my favorite team name:
> The Blue Bombers and the Redblacks...  

Boo hiss for the Eastern team. :P

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: November 25, 2023 01:31AM

Thanksgiving 1966 I caught a ride home from Ricks and partied all weekend, and the only Thanksgiving I've spent in the US was 2015 when my wife and I flew to Arizona to meet 2 siblings from my birth family for the first time, so this weekend holds special memories.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: November 28, 2023 07:46PM

I've had Americans rag on me for us celebrating Thanksgiving in October inferring that we're trying to hijack the holiday...and I explain that it's a post harvest festival and no pilgrims were involved in it's creation...Yada Yada Yada but it mostly falls on deaf ear

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2023 08:05PM by Lethbridge Reprobate.

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Posted by: lousyleper ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 08:53PM

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 08:57PM

"Have a happy and safe weekend!"

So no deep fried turkey?

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Posted by: wowbagger ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 11:23PM

I am a Canuck living in 'Murica, so I split the difference and celebrate them both!

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: November 23, 2023 11:32PM

We won't hold your dubious provenance against you.

At least I won't. Probably.

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: November 24, 2023 01:27PM

I hope everyone had a great day. Next year, I want to go out again. I cooked this year and it is a LOT of work.

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