Posted by:
Date: November 29, 2023 04:19PM
These are my thoughts, and because I'm not much of a thinker, continue at your own edification ... I mean risk!
The church isn't true. Exmos take that as a given, and as such, in my estimation, we don't feel the need to discuss the individual points and issues that the church claims to be True, other than, usually, as a starting point for a rant.
And I don't think anyone here disagrees with the notion that the church intentionally hides facts and issues from the membership.
'Good' mormons learn how to ignore facts that are at odds with mormon 'truths.' It's not that they are not true, but that they're just not useful. As in, "We all know that water will boil, but as far as salvation is concerned, there's no real need in knowing at what temperature ... Praise Jesus!" The number of people who have to know what that temperature is as part of staying alive is minuscule...
Regarding your "sinker," I think what I'm trying to say here applies to your "sinker's" topic, masonry and the mormons. Nobody here is going to defend that connection in the sense that good mormons do. We all pretty much agree that neither mormonism nor masonry is/are based on Truths revealed by a loving ghawd.
We all know that whatever either institution has to say about the other, it matters not a whit.
Below is a link to a group attempt to explain how mormonism and masonic rituals relate to each other. But pretty much, no one here really cares, other than in the abstract, because, for sure, the church isn't true, and the likelihood that masonry is True is equally unlikely. So basically, we're more sociologists in our approach to our exmoism than we are curators. We're interested in the effects, not the dogma. It seems that for many of us, mormonism turned out to be icky, and we can't get the icky completely out of our lives.
Some of us (me, for instance) had our personality development "deformed" by mormonism and can't change some of our inner structure, while others had intense adult situations take place that did some warping and woofing and are left with curious regarding those events. There are millions of stories regarding the effects of mormonisn on people's lives here in the big city. Okay, it's not that I think I'm deformed, it's more like being deformatively abstract in how I've conducted my life: in 3/4 time. Yes, I'm waltzing the Bristol Stomp, mariachi style.
Remember the "...and I'm a mormon!" campaign? Our exmo campaign is based on either "...and I was a mormon!" or some variation of "Mormonism, WTF!!"
We're an eclectic group (or so say I), and I admire people who can fit in. (Except Gladys Lot; she is not eclectic; she's a rutabaga, spiritually speaking, and she only 'fits in' because she's dipped in sesame seed oil.)
Our view of mormonism: Do stop believing! Although it sounds klutzy when you try to sing it along with Journey...