Posted by:
Date: July 14, 2024 06:37PM
I was refused a temple recommend because I was not attending my church meetings regularly enough. I had a calling, I paid tithing but if I didn’t need to be at church for the calling I didn’t go. Being denied the recommend was what made me see it was a control mechanism for the church.
I was talking to a former mission president and he said the church is only growing at 1%. I was told the same thing from a General Authority in 2000. All this missionary effort isn’t growing the church anymore.
So why all the temples? The church wants recommend worthy members. That seems what it wants to distill down to. With temples closer you can ratchet up the pressure to go. The church will eventually have more control over the congregation than if it had a large percentage of luke warm members. It’s all about control. If you can’t grow the numbers you control what’s left.