Posted by:
Date: December 20, 2011 11:04AM
The missionaries showed up last night, unexpected of course, 'cause that's how they roll. My husband is a TBM, so when they have no where else to go, they show up at our house to kill time. At least, that is how it seems to me. So last night, they came in, all 3 of them, and I offered them some cookies I had baked for Christmas. They stayed for about an hour, gobbled cookies like they were the best cookies to ever cross human lips, talked about their home towns, their families, etc, BUT never brought up religion. It was a nice visit and I was happy to be able to give them a treat. DH had previously informed them that if they come to our home and I am there, that they are not to proselyte to me or discuss the church. My husband did something else I was not expecting,too. Right before they left, they did ask if they could offer a prayer. Hubby turned to me and asked if I would be comfortable with that. I gave my approval and the one elder prayed. I know so many have issues being married to a TBM, but if two people can be respectful of each other's beliefs (or lack thereof) it CAN be worked out.