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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: January 31, 2012 07:49PM


04:24 PM on 01/26/2012
BUT IT IS TRUE! They are a true church living up to it's doctrine and taking care of the parishoner s and not the higher ups in the church. I am not a Morman but I have lived in SLC and seen what they do for their community. They do have their problems, just like other religions, but do seem to live to a higher standard.

kathleen waters

Ruggerkurt , you are gulping the kool-aid. Basing your conclusion on community service you saw is akin to Sarah Palin's comment that she qualifies in internatio nal diplomacy because she can see Russia from her living room.

Mormons make sure their humanitari an efforts generate praise for themselves by giving volunteers yellow LDS-labele d shirts. They stop short of saying "...and I am a MORMON!" Here's the truth: A letter was recently sent from Salt Lake to all bishops instructin g them to tell members facing foreclosur e or loss of employment not to expect any help from the church-- turn to family and each other.

Some members may be eligible for food assistance if they are deemed "worthy." Local discretion is used and let me tell you what this feels like. One weekend I received a phone call from one of my teenage children from a truck stop in Arizona. He had been accidental ly stranded with no money and no way to get home. I was an active Mormon at the time so I called the closest ward (parish) and asked for help. The bishop denied my request and told me nothing could be done until Monday because my worthiness and activity level could only be verified on a weekday. I was horrified that my own church cared so little for the welfare of ANY child stranded without money/food .

A higher standard? We exmormons call Mormon charity claims corporate "fruits of the spirit"--a bureaucratic counterfei t of Christian compassion .

Here's the link:)

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