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Posted by: atheist&happy:-) ( )
Date: March 12, 2012 08:38PM

I HATE UTAH!!!! Most TBM's are bigots who will at the very least make your life uncomfortable at times,

and at worst wreck it. They don't even realize how believing, and doing everything they are taught programs them to be prejudiced - not just judgmental, but prejudiced.

I hate that others have made decisions that adversely affected my life without respect to me as a person, because in morgbotland I am considered a nonperson. I hate that they made those decisions according to their bigotry, and prejudice; I hate their condescension, their lies, their many narcissists, and sociopaths, their abusive patriarchy, gullibility ....etc.....etc........

Eventually their prejudice will affect most nonmembers in the state to some degree or another as well as members. For one, it may only be rude treatment, because you have tattoos or clearly display some other sign you are not one of them. Another may lose a job or career over it, but the morgbot mentality will find you.

At times like this I want to emigrate or move, but cannot afford to. It is sad to think how my life would have been so much better if I had never moved here.

Original thread:,440478

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Posted by: lostinutah ( )
Date: March 12, 2012 10:46PM

You said you had PTSD. Could you explain more what symptoms affect you most?

I'm curious because sometimes I think I might have that also, but not bad enough to really be clinical, but enough to mess with my well-being.

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