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Posted by: onendagus ( )
Date: May 04, 2012 02:52PM

Baptism for dead--SL Temple, late 70's. One of the more developed yw came into the room wearing nothing but her wet shield. That was a pretty good day.

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Posted by: RPackham ( )
Date: May 04, 2012 03:02PM

Heard this some time ago from an exmormon woman.

At the veil, "the Lord" gave her the token (the grip) and asked the usual questions, "What is that?" "Has it a name?" "Will you give it to me?" and she answered correctly. Then he apparently lost track of where he was, and again asked "Will you give it to me?"

She replied, "It hath already been given!"

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Posted by: lbenni ( )
Date: May 04, 2012 03:06PM

onendagus Wrote:
> Baptism for dead--SL Temple, late 70's. One of
> the more developed yw came into the room wearing
> nothing but her wet shield. That was a pretty
> good day.

New exmo games: wet shield contests;0

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