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Posted by: khark ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 01:36AM

I am new here. I am on way out and I want to add something I find disturbing.

One of my friends' brother got divorced. He got laid off from his work. He has no means to support himself or his ex in this lousy economy. Like it was his fault. He ended up living with his own brother which was my friend.

Now here is the irony. The bishop cannot give him a temple recommend because he was not supporting his family via "alimony". If he could he would. The member appealed that he did nothing wrong, but according to the letter of the law, he is not to have a temple recommend until he can support his family.

So the church can determine someone to be worthy or not to the letter despite the person's inability to do anything. How weird is that?


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Posted by: Glo ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 01:49AM

Mormonism IS weird.

He also won't get a temple recommend if he can't pay his tithes.

So much for being god's "true church".

The true god of Mormonism is Money.

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Posted by: deco ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 01:55AM

This is very simple. They want money from him and anyone else that wants a temple recommend.

The supporting the family is actually quite sinister. First of all it simply makes them look like a caring church prodding someone to be responsible.

However, some of us think that the exwife may be pressured to tithe on the income she recieves as child support.

It is all a collection process, and each level has plausible deny ability

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Posted by: lulu ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 04:37AM

you lose your job, you go ask the court to lower your familial support obligation to an amount commensurate to your new income level, say zero - to your unemployment compensation amount. In some cases, the court the court still has to require a nominal amount, say $25 a month. You can do this without an attorney. You do it immediately before any arrears built up.

You pay the new amount and go tell the bishop you are current. You get your temple reccommend.

A lot of people don't know they have to do this. A lot of people I've told they need to do this don't.

Making sure that parents are current on the familial support obligations is one of (the very few) good things the church does.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2012 04:41AM by lulu.

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Posted by: khark ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 10:22AM

This is really good to know. I will relay this to my friend.



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Posted by: ANON this time ( )
Date: August 10, 2012 10:36AM

Ok, here was the situation with my dh. He was diagnosed with cancer and was out of work for several months due to surgery, treatments, after effects, etc. His children were in another state (AR). He tried to petition the other state for a reduction of child support. Meanwhile, ex and children move to yet another state (TX)! It has been years now and Child Support Enforcement in our home state has become involved, trying desparately to get the courts in Texas to cooperate. During the time he was not working, his child support got further and further behind. While he was behind in his support, he was NOT in compliance with church standards and therefore was not temple worthy! After a two year battle to get Disability, he was finally awarded, and he was able to catch up the support amount. Suddenly, he is back in good standing with the church. Isn't that just amazing!! Meanwhile, his Disability check is still being deducted for the amount paid for 4 children, even though 2 of those kids are over 18 now. They won't stop the deductions until Texas child support tells them to, and Texas is not cooperating. We will probably never see the overpayment ever again!

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