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Posted by: Tristan-Powerslave ( )
Date: August 25, 2012 04:18PM

I've seen it time & time again - crazy TBMs that live in other parts of the US, acting like the Morridor is the one true holy land. They can't wait to move there, they can't wait to send their kids to BYU or Rick's Big Churchy High School, if they have family in the Morridor then they refer to it as 'home', & some rich people have homes there where they live part of the year & consider their real home as well. They see where they are living outside of the Morridor as 'the world', evil, & just generally garbage. It makes me all very sick.

Sorry for posting so much today, I'm just very angry.

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Posted by: dk ( )
Date: August 25, 2012 04:25PM

I always thought it was interesting to see which countries consider themselves the fatherland or the motherland. Male or female.

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Posted by: rationalguy ( )
Date: August 25, 2012 04:31PM

I've lived in the morridor all my life. I like it in spite of the Mormon infestation. Deserts, mountains and dry climate are all something I like and am used to. These Mormons who think it's the promised land are forgetting about Missouri, I guess. That's where Jebus is supposed to have his summer home, isn't it?

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Posted by: rationalguy ( )
Date: August 25, 2012 04:39PM

They've been acting like a whole lot of their doctrine never existed. This was one of the many tip-offs for me that it's not the truth, but a made-up religion from day one. I've been a member since 1958, and it's an entirely different theology now. They are simply molding it to whatever form it needs to be accepted, the same way any corporation would which wants to compete.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2012 04:57PM by rationalguy.

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Posted by: Tristan-Powerslave ( )
Date: August 25, 2012 04:40PM

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: August 26, 2012 10:25PM

I wish they'd all move out of southern Alberta...then we'd only have the "born again" weenies and the Calvinist Dutch to deal with....

Ron Burr

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Posted by: idleswell ( )
Date: August 27, 2012 07:59AM

I don't see why more TBMs don't leave southern Alberta. When they move into the mission fields of BC or Atlantic Canada they are treated as emissaries direct from Kolob. You should be thrilled to be surrounded by so many of them in Lethbridge.

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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: August 26, 2012 11:00PM

This is so pathetic. Especially when everyone knows that the South Eastern states are God's true promised land. Why do you think he gave us the better bar-b-q, and Mormons funeral potatos?

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Posted by: ambivalent exmo ( )
Date: August 26, 2012 11:36PM

good point....

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Posted by: ragingphoenix ( )
Date: August 27, 2012 07:41AM

And the god gave the southeast the best college football conference!

SEC is a league of its own!

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