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Posted by: jeffnlb ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 03:37PM

I resigned my membership a couple of years ago, and still have a few TBM siblings - at least two whom actively do temple work for dead relatives.

Haven't read any forums on this question, and would really like to know:

As I am fully aware that boundaries are never respected (and believe me, they know how I feel) I would like to ensure that no temple work will be done to "bring me back into the fold" after I'm gone.

I realize that TSCC has no real power or authority over anything - this is just the way I want it, so don't need reassurance that it won't matter in the grand scheme of things.

At the very least, I would be interested if anyone else feels this way - and has let their TBM family know.


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Posted by: voltaire ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 03:40PM

have it administered by an Anti-Mo, and make as a condition of the timed dispersals that your name stays off the dead-dunking rolls.

That is your only chance.


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Posted by: jeffnlb ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 03:59PM

I fully intend to either leave it to gay-related charities or create a scholarship for disowned gay mormon youth.

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Posted by: Lillium ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 04:25PM

I included in my resignation letter that they not ever bother me again, up to and including after my death when I demanded that I not ever be dead dunked.

Do I expect that demand to be honored? No. But it's there in writing in case I do get dead dunked and someone comes up with a way to sue them or something.

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Posted by: jeffnlb ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 04:50PM

Good advice, Lillium - wish I had thought of that at the time!

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Posted by: RPackham ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 04:46PM

Baptism is supposedly for the forgiveness of sin. But there can be no forgiveness, according to Mormon theology, for denying the Holy Ghost. That is the "unpardonable sin." See the scriptural references in the LDS Topical Guide "Holy Ghost; unpardonable sin against"

So, unless your Mormon relatives are willing to deny the truth of their own scriptures, you can head off post-mortem baptism by denying the HG, and notify them in writing that you have done so. Many people have done that - see and search Youtube for "blasphemy challenge".

Point out to them that they are putting their own souls in jeopardy if they submit your name for (re)baptism, since by doing so they would be denying God.

It's worth a try.

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Posted by: jeffnlb ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 04:58PM

Thanks, RPackham. Don't really want to sadden my TBM brother - he's been through enough (excommed for being gay, then MIRACLE!!! went straight and is currently married - but I have on good authority that he's most likely miserable).

The TBM sister is a right bitch and we don't have any contact whatsoever, but that's another story.

Don't have YouTube access here at work, but will give it a look tonight.

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Posted by: anon ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 05:19PM

It's my understanding that you have to actually see god to be able to fully deny the holy ghost. Like staring into the sun and denying that exists. That's how you get your son of perdition status. Murdering, killing? No. Just denying the invisible sky daddy.

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Posted by: Heresy ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 05:19PM

to Member Services in the CoB and demanded that they put a note on his file that he was never to be dead dunked.

They did it - or so they said. There is no way to verify it of course. And no reason to think they would suddenly start verifying the names of those who get dunked. They don't even do that to weed out the names of holocaust Jews.

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Posted by: Lillium ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 05:23PM

I wonder if it would be worth it in any way for all of us, even those who've already resigned, to write that letter? If they get enough, maybe they will change their policies?

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Posted by: iBear ( )
Date: January 21, 2011 03:27PM

But yes, I was sufficiently pissed-off about the idea that I wrote to the 1st presidency. That letter was rerouted to "Family History Department," and after I firmly insisted, they did as I instructed and placed a copy of my "Do Not Necrodunk" letter in my former membership file, essentially flagging me "DO NOT BAPTIZE."

Of course I have my doubts that they'll honor their word, but there's nothing I can do about that. And I had been told that this was impossible, so even getting them to acknowledge it was something of a miracle.

I would love the idea of everybody sending in a similar letter. If you're interested, shoot me an email at and I'll send you a link to everything I've got: text of both letters I sent, both letters I received, and the name and office address of the person I finally ended up communicating with.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2011 03:27PM by iBear.

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Posted by: anon ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 05:21PM

They do not care about honoring a family member's wishes. I wish I could haunt them for dead dunking me, but unfortunately I will cease to exist after death.

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Posted by: jeffnlb ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 05:31PM

Maybe so, anon, but the mere threat of a haunting might just make it worth it to make them squirm.

Think about it. Wouldn't it be fun to have them think that any time they "sense an evil presence" it might just be you (or me) visiting from beyond?

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: December 28, 2010 05:31PM

in the future for those who voice opposition while they're alive.

Mormons have gotten away with this practice because the public has been unaware of it. The more who know about it and object the more likely it will be that the morg will eventually honor their wishes. Mormons don't like looking like abrasive fools and zealots in the press and among their neighbors.

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