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Posted by: Library 1 ( )
Date: March 10, 2013 11:51PM

I have finally decided I am done with the church. I have been studying the true church history for 2 years. I haven't been to church for quite awhile. I wrote my letter to tell my family. I am so nervous to send it but I am ready to move on. Today I cleaned out all the mormon stuff pictures, books, scriptures, and temple clothes. My husband and kids are with me. I am very lucky. I was the one dragging them along. My husband just went with the flow. I have been telling him what I have learned and he is so mad he wants to resign now. Is there a right time to do it? Do you do it when your sure or should you wait?

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Posted by: joesmithsleftteste ( )
Date: March 11, 2013 12:17AM

Wow. You guys are lucky to get out all together. We went through everything you described (telling family and taking down church art, etc) about 6 months ago and it has been interesting. Anyway, we still haven't resigned even though family and local church leaders have tempted us. We want to get excommunicated. It just sounds like fun. However, there are many people who oppose that idea because it allows the church to keep counting you on its membership rolls even though you aren't really members anymore. My advice, go with what feels right. If you don't resign, they may not leave you alone, so you might find that they push you into it.

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Posted by: rd4jesus ( )
Date: March 11, 2013 12:24AM

I sent a letter to Salt Lake about 3.5 weeks ago. Got a letter saying it was a local matter. So, I sent an e-mail to the Bishop and the Stake President's two counselors (I didn't have the SP's e-mail address). The next morning I got a phone call from my SP asking to meet with me. I met with him (recorded conversation in secret on my iPod) told him that I'd already made up my mind and nothing he would say would change me. He spoke to the Bish. after our meeting and two days later I got a letter from the Bish. saying my name had been removed. So, for me, it took about 2.5 weeks. Make sure that you follow the examples of letters on this site. The one I sent to Salt Lake was notarized at the bank. I sent all 3 letters via certified priority mail. You should resign so they can't count you. I also did it for religious reasons. I don't want my name associated with a cult.

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Posted by: archytas ( )
Date: March 11, 2013 12:28AM

There is no set timeline.

There is nothing wrong with waiting til your comfortable.

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Posted by: twojedis ( )
Date: March 11, 2013 12:33AM

My hubby has known the truth for almost three years. He told me almost 9 months ago that he didn't believe any more. I was done two weeks later. We just resigned last month. It only took 12 days for my 12 yo and I to receive our letters, my husband (sithlord) still hasn't received his. I hear that my letter was something akin to lightspeed. It seems that you are perhaps already at the point where you are ready to resign because you are thinking about it. You will know when you're ready to hit that "send" button.

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Posted by: dogeatdog ( )
Date: March 11, 2013 12:42AM

I think you kind of know the feeling of being sure about it not being true, etc. After that, it's up to you - and probably dependant on family, etc. We felt we needed to set a bright line date of Jan 1 of this coming year. We are waiting that long due to issues with inlaws, etc.

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