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10 years ago
+1 Same, actually. Hah! Just can't help laughing in frustration. This is a close family member who is, I can guarantee with just about 100% certainty, posting in response to my leaving the church (and not being shy about my doubts).
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Just had a family member post a gag-worthy Uchtdorf quote in some cheesy word art on FB. Also, beneath the word art: "We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner". OH,THE IRONY! *FACEPALM*. /endrant
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I'm definitely up for meeting with other exmos in the NY area. A group lunch would be great.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Thanks for the well-wishes! Well...I told them. Figured it was better than the remote possibility of being accosted when I guiltily drag myself back for a farewell and a homecoming. Reaction was basically as expected. No fewer than seven "I bear witness to you"'s that . Kept my trap shut and told them I wasn't going to talk about it anymore. I did tell them I was happy with my life t
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Hello all, It's been quite a while since I've posted, but I had to share the good news: one more out, officially! I mailed in my resignation letter two weeks ago, and received the return receipt in the mail this week. Even though I've been calling myself exmormon for four years (I'm in my early 20s now), I just couldn't bring myself to mail the letter because it never seemed like a good time t
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Do you ever really recover from Mormonism? I'm going through some rough times (probably end times) with my SO (a nevermo), and all of the crap my TBM parents have dished on me is just rushing back. They told me the relationship would inevitably end, and I would be ruined. They told me that I was a smushed-up ice cream cone (hearken back to those ridiculous, degrading presentations about chastity
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I sent an email too last time. Power is back on in most of Manhattan now! But unfortunately not for a lot of the surrounding areas.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Cool. Susan I/S already has my email address. I think I'll post again once I know that power is restored to the rest of NY and the surrounding areas. Looking forward to this if we can manage it.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I recall that there was some talk of this about a month ago, but I don't know if it ever got off the ground. I'm still very interested. Has anyone heard anything? Susan I/S suggested sending her email addresses to subvert any trolls.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Interesting take. You know, I really don't cry often in public--maybe a couple of times in my life. But I haven't cried as much (and not at all in public) since I left the church and after the subsequent family turmoil. I think you might be onto something there.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Oh, believe me, I wish I didn't cry so easily. :) I get that it is one way of dealing with things. It's just now that I've moved away from the morg and Utah, I really don't see the crying around me as much. It's just fascinating to think about how Mormon (or any) culture affects things like emotional displays and ideas of masculinity.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I don't doubt that there are a lot of crocodile tears out there. But I'm not faking it when I cry--I just cry really easily. And I *think* my family/community is the same--the tears are sincere but just abnormally frequent. That's what I'm curious about...
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I'm a crier. I've been known to cry at Disney movies (and weep while watching more serious films), I cry when I hear a piece of beautiful music, I cry very easily in many aspects of my's to the point that my nevermo SO has wondered about it. So I began thinking about why the waterworks are so easily turned on. My parents and most of my siblings (the more-so TBM ones) are hea
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
That was great--wish they could have talked longer. "Uh...You should do your research" to Richard Dawkins...LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I'm in NYC and would love to be a part of this.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me how people entrenched in Mormonism (the...organization...supposedly all about eternal families) can so easily and commonly sever ties, hurt, and isolate any 'black sheep'. This amazement comes from my own experiences, seeing what my few other morg-escaping friends have gone through, and reading this board. I think it gets better, slowly but eventually. At least for
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I was immediately hooked to coffee once I left the morg, but I can't drink it without a lot of flavored creamer. I hate beer--I can only do hard liquor as shots or take my alcohol masked by tons of fruity, girly flavor. Either way, I practically get drunk off of the smell of alcohol. I always wondered if my abstinence for most of my life was part of the reason or maybe it's just because I'm su
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Oh, yes, Sister X. Every Fast Sunday, she saved me from death by boredom with stories of miraculously cured ingrown toenails (Jesus, for sure), angels in her bathtub, and the like. She always wore a muumuu and did her hair in a wobbly bun on the very top of her head. She was my salvation. Except we always went overtime.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Thanks. Once I realized the church was crap, it made me understand a little more why she acts that way...and made the annoyance turn more into sadness.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
+1 That's true a lot of the time. My mom is a good example. Even though she is reliant on my dad (she has no marketable skills and admittedly when to YBU just to find a husband), she can be really manipulative. I've known plenty of other women in my different wards growing up who were the same.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I recently had a nonmo friend meet my parents outside of Utah. She had never met any other members of the morg. When we talked about the meeting later, she mentioned how cute mother's voice was. And suddenly it hit me--I'd been hearing girly voices a lot issuing from the mouths of RS sisters during my childhood. Drove me nuts. I'd always thought it was in my head (since I went
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hello all, I've done a bit of research and I haven't been able to find much information on any sort of groups around NYC. Any help or leads? I'll be moving to the area in a couple of months, and I'd like to finally talk with some exmormons in real life...though I'm sure I won't stop lurking/occasionally posting on RfM. Thanks so much in advance.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks, I'll definitely peruse.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Several months ago, my TBM father and I got into argument. I told him I wasn't sure about God (I identify as a somewhat reluctant agnostic at this point), but I am sure as hell that Mormonism is not true. This launched him into a very Alma-informed bit of epistemology--telling me I would forever float in darkness because I had no way of know what is true and what isn't. "Loo
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I'm not sure of the title, or in which set of teaching videos it was, but there was one of a black guy who heard the news the church--by divine inspiration, lol--was allowing non-whites to receive the priesthood! He was crying over his old radio set as he looked to heaven in gratitude and awe. Just sickening. Cut with General Authority talking heads, I think. If anyone knows the title and whe
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
otherlives Hope nobody posted this already--I did quick search.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
No, he's real alright. My bf saw this online and asked me if Mormons really believe this stuff. And I had to say, at least in my experience, yes. I mean, I can't count the number of times a rape story was tied to horribly twisted. So horrible. I'm pretty sure he's the real thing. Apparently has a book out about being a re-mormon--he left and then returned triumphant to the fold.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I left as a teen a few years ago, and I have to say all of those reasons are relevant, at least in my experience. But I think Mormonism goes even farther, at least for me, in #'s 3 and 6. There isn't just antagonism when it comes to science, but any kind of interrogative thinking. No examination of church history, no questioning of stranger doctrines *at all*. And the 'unfriendliness' so easily b
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