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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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12 years ago
Hahaha. That sums it up so well. And yes, the good sort of busy. Been doing art shows (just local, but still always an amazing feeling) and remodeling the house and working some overtime. Life is excellent. I will try and remember to check in here though because I miss the witty banter.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hey everybody. Last week Lord Raptor mentioned to me that I should poke my head in and say hi because it had been a while, so this is me saying hi. You all are still lovely and I do enjoy our banter, but life has been hectic, work is busy, and my free time to screw around on the internet is incredibly limited. Anyway, I was on one of my random thrift store treasure hunts last week and came a
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I have never met a group of people who lied more readily and without blinking an eye than Mormons. It's like they're programmed to spit out what they think you want to hear and saying what they actually mean is a afterthought.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Yeah, that was more Bill Gates' thing...
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
It was made into a commandment by a later prophet who decided that Mormons didn't have enough rules making them feel unworthy. It was not written to be doctrine, but more as a set of recommendations for healthy living.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I don't need specifics or anything. Isn't the answer different depending on if they're being summoned for apostasy or breaking the laws of chastity or whatever?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
What are the charges? Sorry if that's been stated prior and I just missed it.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Someone linked to it last night. It's on the board somewhere. And it's beautiful...
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hahaha. I love how there's only one Mo on there defending against all the sarcasm. It must be because the Holy Ghost went to bed at midnight and they're all scared to be awake without him.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Well, that would explain why my cat thinks he's so much better than me. Awesome parable. I'm sort of in love with it.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think God has taken a couple shots at the both of them, but unless there's an assassin that operates under the guise or cardiac failure and senility then I can't think of anything.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Man, I hope Google is God. Then when I have a question about something and the bible-waving ass-clowns tell me I need to turn to God for an answer then I can tell them I'm way ahead of them and that's always the first place I go when I'm confused.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
""The end is not near", senior LDS apostle Boyd K. Packer said Saturday. Of course not! Why would you build a 3 billion dollar mall if Jesus is coming back soon? I can't wait when I return home from Uganda and shop at this fine establishment! Long live the City Creek Mall! It is something incredible that will change all of mankind!" "Brothers and Sisters, on this
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hey, we live in the same town. I was out drinking last night and the girl pouring my drinks was an Ex-mo. We were doing temple handshakes across the bar and giggling a lot.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think the answer to that question would be "methamphetamine"
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
These are slightly different than the ones your SUPPOSED to use. Aside from the givens like: prophet, temple, love, eternal families, etc There's also: We need your money, some people don't believe the prophet joseph smith, you cannot just believe part-way, we really need your money, he really does listen, etc
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Has anyone else checked out the GC Bingo Cards that Elder Price and Elder Cunningham have been posting on facebook?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Does lithium make you less righteous? I get super duper righteous when my insomnia kicks up extra fierce. This happens once every month or two where I won't sleep for a few days and I hear voices and see shadow people and generally get twitchy and psychotic. Here I thought it was due to sleep deprivation, but it's good to know that it's Satan, and that he only seems to want me when I haven't
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Can someone educate me as to why TBMs tend to hate BYU? I mean, I know why I hate BYU, but I'm not Mormon so it makes sense.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The church has clearly messed you up if you don't feel "Worthy" of complaining. The church likes to make you think you're not worthy enough for anything. If you wanna bitch then I say bitch. Unload, gripe, whatever. This isn't a contest to see who got the worst treatment at the hands of TSCC. You're out, you've escaped (congratulations), now stop feeling unworthy of anything.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Yeah, pretty much this exactly ^ I would only add that with a name like RM787 it's pretty much a given that he spent two prime years of his life forcing his belief on others.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I know how you feel when it comes to collecting losers. I am generally attracted to psychos, pathological liars, sociopaths, etc. The crazier the chick the more I find myself drawn to her. I have decided that it's because my heart truly belongs to my art, and my heart is fully aware that my art is complete crap when I'm all happy and content. So my heart seeks out train-wrecks who will make m
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
***loves*** You still need to come visit me. We'll paint this town red and sparkly and fabulous.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
You know what helped me to understand the crazy stuff my girlfriend would do? I went and found some books on temple marriage and chastity and virtue and stuff that were written by the church. I found that reading some of the collections of EFY talks and other such church propaganda helped me to really understand what sort of insane indoctrination the girl had been raised with. Your girlfriend
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I'll play devil's advocate here. I was in a similar situation in that I'm a nevermo with zero interest in joining the church and who knew more about the Morg than my BIC girlfriend did. Luckily I never got dragged to church service because no sweet BIC Mormon girl brings her tattooed heathen lesbian girlfriend to sacrament meeting with her. Still, we would talk about the faith a lot and she lo
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Can you enlighten us nevermo's as to what this whole Temple (guilt) Trip is about. Are they trying to get non-active members to go so they can feel bad about not being allowed in? Or are they inviting friends and family who aren't members at all so that they can feel offended that they're not allowed in, and possibly call a cab to the nearest bar?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I'm guessing that's how long $150 will get you a prostitute...
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
J-Dubs and SDAs do it as well. Living prophets on Earth make people crazy. Also, Scientologists absolutely hang picture of L. Ron all over their homes. The J-Dubs are so similar to Mormons that they have a full on set-up of a dozen elders with one president who is the acting prophet and then essentially a quorum of seventy working below them. Their beliefs are different, but their power-struc
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. You know who else bitches about being called a cult and spends crap-tons of money on PR? Scientologists. You know what they have in common with the Morg? They're a multi-billion dollar corporation that thrives on creating an army of brainwashed drones willing to hand over all their money. I'm not saying the J-Dubs aren't just as culty as the Morg
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
You totally can polish a turd, but not until it's fossilized, and fossils are just a practical joke from gawd to test our faith. Yeah, gawd is Punking us, guys. Gawd is on the same level of emotional maturity as Ashton Kutcher.
Forum: Recovery Board