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OTOH, aren’t Mormons who reach upper ranks / commands lauded? Status has Always Mattered in Morland!
Forum: Recovery Board
¿ Where is she Today? SHAMELESS, I’m betting.
Forum: Recovery Board
ChurchCo is absolutely shameless in their policies & practices. Dieter Uchtdorf admitted that leaders make mistakes that don’t match their ‘standards’ or doctrine, but do they ever admit and-or correct them? PAUL Dunn was released but otherwise ok; had he been thru SA? Maybe. They relish when a TBM hurts someone who doesn’t meet their wishes, it’s OK to use “religion”
Forum: Recovery Board
¿ Have they run out of other places to build a temple? Sure seems like it…
Forum: Recovery Board
There are few guardrails on what people can say in church / even from the 'pulpit', also there is next to none correction or retraction of when people switch lanes, ergo people can say what they damn well please, with next to no fear of being corrected. Things like the Missouri trek took on a aura / cachet of & by themselves, the sheeple easily pick-up & magnify these things as t
Forum: Recovery Board
if I was a 'gator & the mishs asked me for DOB, SSA#, or any other identifying tracing info, they'd be OUT IN A SECOND! names don't identify a person, I learned that as a cop.
Forum: Recovery Board
Countering LDS religious statements & claims
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
Beth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So, time to work on I-15 again? Precisely!!!! and Don't forget/overlook I-80!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
hopefully the athletes don't get mixed up in the political end of things, they train diligently to perform to the best of their abilities, also the Paralympic competitors.
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
I wish science definitively discover, decide & say the health & nutritional details about coffee & tea. Once & for all, folks!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
2 days ago
TV news said SLC was the only viable applicant; won't most of the events be in or near Park City? Maybe skiing down Mt. Rainier (Native American name: Tahoma) should be a new event!
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
Mittens not too busy to steer the olympics back to SLC? I don't know for sure, but....
Forum: Recovery Board
3 days ago
the WoW is little more than a mix-up of health-nutrition concerns with Joey's cred as a prophet, seer, & revelator (do we hear that lately, ha ha?) the biggest hit was about tobacco, that's a definite + however, the rest are side-cars, not at the Front of the Race: Science is still puzzled/inconclusive regarding coffee & tea. Wheat & grains were touted as 'the staff of lif
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
dagny Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ugggh! That's insensitive. They can't help > themselves. Nothing new here folks, Move Along.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
Bats need a better PR agent.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
I think the HG bedtime / off work is 10:00 for missionaries, not sure if I've heard this for others. while we're at it, how about PAY for Bps & SPs, at least a token $$$ to compensate for family time lost...
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
Hopefully the publicity of tragedies serves as a warning to others who might use better preparedness & precautions. I guess that other-than-Western activities aren't as dangerous as going into the desert, but there are other dangers along the Appy train, The smokey mtns, the Poconos, etc. is 'sea scouting' still a thing? it used to be popular here along Puget Sound.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
If you're suggesting that there is an actual "HG" short for Holy Ghost, I think you're in on the scam also... With Mormons (some others too), HG = 'feel good' = Warm & Fuzzy just sayin'
Forum: Recovery Board
4 days ago
Was there a brewery and/or distillery in/near SLC in those early days? I've heard a 'guote' (sure,pal) from BY that it was OK to cater to outsiders/business people visiting the area, AND it's been said that someone operated a bordello on the down-low with tacit police permission or tolerance. Perhaps a historian has these questions addressed and documented, that would be interesting!
Forum: Recovery Board
5 days ago
I wish my DW discovered that at relatively the same time I did, but being a TBM didn't discourage or prevent her from hate, lies, & greed.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 days ago
IF they dumped the 13 Particles of Faith, wouldn't they have to substitute something else? O never mind, they don't actually live them anyway, my bad. also, with high-powered attorneys, they can pretty much bully - bulldoze to get anything they want, especially local zoning & building codes. I think they're pretty compliant with the electrical & plumbing codes (unless evidence othe
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
Excellent analogies & post, TYVM Humberto! Kinda the same as mixed-race, mixed-culture marriages, methinks.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
Unless I'm wrong, filing bankruptcy includes that the prinicipal must disclose the addresses of all the real estate they own including their residence; perhaps if they have an attorney that will suffice. If his residential address is disclosed, Please post it here so we can each/all send him a 'greeting'...
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
Bishop & SP roulette explains about 80% of what LDS Doctrines, Policies, & Rules are; just sayin'
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
I think the Missouri thing was very informal/ not official (ha!). To me it was a failed self-fulfilling prophecy.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
Do the mighty 15 care about people, women & men? Will they alter or massage their policy / practices regarding not naming those stillborn or spontaneously aborted? It seems this is an extremely quiet subject in Morland even while it rages on the U.S. & worldwide scene... Remember: Where there is no vision, the people parish... Proverbs 29
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
As if 'Christians' needed or could achieve a better reputation.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 days ago
For a long time, Texans were glad & somewhat proud to not be connected to outside electrical energy (informally termed The Intertie) but recent events aren't helping Texans. Fun Fact: There are 3 major & 2 minor interconnection groups for the U.S. including much of Canada.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 days ago
I agree with LW, but letting him linger sets a bad example for justice & creditors
Forum: Recovery Board