Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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6 years ago
Mormon Stories just released a John Dehlin interview with Bart Ehrman. In what was an otherwise interesting interview I was rather taken aback at Ehrman's claim that amongst all the many bible scholars he knew he could only think of maybe two or three that didn't believe in a literal Christ. His tone was rather condescending on the matter.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
A recent post by 'Mosiash' entitled 'Response to Nahom' reminded me of a pet peeve of mine, namely: this whole vacuous 'Nahom' thing is beyond any connection to disciplined reasoning! As we ponder this purported journey of Lehi and family from Jerusalem to 'Bountiful' let us begin by asking 'What was the whole purpose of this supposed journey?' Answer: to get to the Americas! That's
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Per Mormon folklore, Martin Harris and his wife, through a series of heavenly mis-steps, managed to lose the original 116 pages of the what would have been the original BoM. The very same seer stone that was presumably used to 'translate' those original lost 116 pages has now been dragged out its storage vault and displayed to the whole world. Since we now know the 'prophet' doesn't needs t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Oh ye heathens, ye doers in iniquity, BEHOLD! I stand at the gate and have unsheathed my mighty sword of Laban. I shall avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation, and teach the same to your children and to your children's children unto the third and fourth generation!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
You have undoubtedly helped others either avoid the temple "clown show" or have helped assure them that their instinctive impressions were very similar to yours. After I first went through back when the ceremony was 'live' my mind reeled for days after: "What the H*LL was THAT?!" I still remember Satan being there, dressed in a black suit, and leading the congregation in s
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
". . . turned into a channel that is filled with redneck reality shows" True, so sadly, miserably true. Every time I scan across the TV guide and see the execrable programming now common on the so-called "History Channel" I want to weep. For me half the reason for even subscribing to Dish Network was to get good factual documentaries. Now what do we get? A menagerie of
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
This is one instance where Mormonism is probably the lesser of two evils. For true insidious, cultish, money-obsessed barbarism Scientology sets a very high bar that few, if any, other groups can meet. I didn't join Scientology, but they probably count me as a member because back in the '80's I took a few 'auditing' sessions. An auditing session consists of holding onto a couple of tin cans
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
In The Scientific Fundamentalist A Look at the Hard Truths About Human Nature by Satoshi Kanazawa The concept of Error Management Theory is used to examine the possible basis for why segments of most all human societies choose to believe in some type of highly variable God. An examination is made of the evolutionary consequences of how we utilize False Positive (Type I) errors vs False Nega
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Shame on all you godless skeptics and harlots of truth, you naysayers of the righteousness of the restoration, you denigrators of the Lord's very annointed. May you now eat your words and bow down, yea on every knee, and acknowledge your hedonistic ways before him who has brought forth the truth even in these latter days. See it now ye doubters - and repent of your wicked ways. See it even
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I hear ya Buddy, been there done that! I was 1st counselor in a bishopric years ago. I was having major doubts going into the calling but figured I would rely on the 'inspiration' of my leaders to try and work through it. Yeah right! After seeing the spiritual poverty and hypocrisy of church leadership close up I was fed up. We moved to get away from the ties of family and awhile later resi
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I always remember one young man who was getting ready to go on a mission and, oops, got his gf pregnant. He was made to get up in PM and apologize in tears and humiliation. He then did a shotgun marriage to his gf in a drab church basement classroom. They divorced not long after and both went inactive. When the 'Court of Love' disfellowshipped me, after the Stake councilor first promised me
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
He's back in living color, in all his glory, and he hasn't changed a bit! The same grandiose ego. The same urge to dominate others The same severe criticism of anyone with a differing opinion The same obsession with publicity about himself The same addiction to women and endless sex And his reincarnated persona is - - - Charlie Sheen!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The subtle but important distinction is that your uplifted hand shows your commitment to 'sustain'/go along with that which has already been decided. It is not intended to affect the outcome but rather to enforce the compliance of the membership. You are agreeing to swallow any/all crap that gets shoveled from the podium onto your heads. I do remember in one ward in SW Idaho back in the '80'
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
A 'documentary' emerges about Joyce McKinney, the former Miss Wyoming who followed her Mormon missionary lover to his England mission, kidnaps him, ties him up, and 'rapes' him. It's hard to make this stuff up --- Pretty much every missionary's wetdream dream!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Their's is a universe where great effort is spent attempting to portray the innumerable emphatic declarations of virtually every prophet from Joseph Smith to G. B. Hinckley regarding the origins of the Lamanites as just 'opinions'. These 'opinions' were once clear prophetic doctrine - that is until DNA clearly demonstrated the American Indian was of east Asian origin and not Middle Eastern.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
It seems our good Mormon ladies are having their own porn addiction issues - at least that's the take from KSL: That's right: Addiction! And to help overcome this insidious addiction to porn the sisters are given specific guidelines including "working on your relationship." Part of the problem might be revenue: the romance novels ou
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Any number of exmormons have been excommunicated for the crime of fornication - but J. Smith is revered for his multiple dalliances with other women, including other men's wives and a 14 year old child - all done in secret and publicly denied.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It's official: Catholic academics from across the scientific spectrum have determined that the earth is immobile and fixed, not just in the center of our solar system, but in the entire universe. IOW, geocentrism is ". . . the most stable model of the universe and the one which best answers all the evidence we see in the cosmos."
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Ash writes: "It’s certainly possible that Joseph accepted the early LDS designation of the New York hill as Cumorah," And my questions is: WTF? Joseph "accepts" the "LDS designation"? Who, per Ash, is leading who here? Who constitues the "LDS" that are coming up with geographic ideas that Joseph then "accepts". If Pratt or Cowdery
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
In Idaho it seems anyone who wants to call himself a member of the clergy is no longer obligated to report confessed child abuse to law enforcement. Further, if the confessor thinks of a person as 'clergy' that person is exempt from reporting the crime. In Boise Stephen Young was sentenced to 25 years in prison for sexual battery to a child. This after he had confessed to the crimes to * 15
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Step by step instructions
Forum: Recovery Board