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11 years ago
I'd hate to be his wife! There are many unmarried men out there that wouldn't want an emotional connection me on that one. Did you ever feel bad for the wife? Yikes! One of my greatest fears in life is to one day find out that my husband has been cheating on me.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I've taken a very low dose of Celexa (aka Citalopram) for many years. It has been great for my depression and anxiety. A few months ago I just couldn't snap out of a bout of anxiety so my doc added Wellbutrin(lowest dose). I'm feeling much better again..the bonus is that I have had a decrease in my appetite while taking Wellbutrin. ****Make sure that you start any anti-depressents out at a low
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My parents are in their 70's and they never told anyone in my family tales like that. We learned the real consequences..they are not Mormon. I don't think it is is just plain odd!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The only thing that I have experienced that comes close to a lovebombing is the people that sell cleaning supplies door to door. I can't think of the name of the company, but you all know what I am referring to. I had just had my first baby and I had left my full time job to be a good mormon mommy. I felt really isolated and lonely when an old co-worker told me that his wife was looking for a fr
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I just got my third piercings redone a month ago! I was Catholic growing up and was allowed to get mine pierced for the 1st time in 8th grade. I got the second set in college and my third when I was in my 20's. When I joined the church(mid 20's) I conceded to 2 piercings per ear(tried to tone it down a bit), but that didn't save me from tongue lashings from a crazy visiting teacher I had. She
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Wow. My 2 boys never inserted anything in their rectums nor have any of the many children in my extended family. That is the first that I have heard of this in a young child. My children were weaned before they were 12 months old and I found it very uncomfortable to see my sister wait until her children were 2. I can't even imagine such at thing at 5! Showing her child her vagina? WTH? I am s
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I purchased a Keurig for my husband and we used it for about 6 months. The coffee isn't as good as when we use an old fashioned coffee maker or a French Press. Two days ago I purchased a $20 Mr. Coffee Maker and both of us have been shocked at how much better the coffee tastes. We buy whole beans and grind them just before brewing. The $150 Keurig is now in need of a new home...along with all of
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Hmmmm...My husband and I were both active members, but did not have our temple recommends. We got married at the local courthouse, had a baby 10 months later and had a temple wedding when our son was 3 months old. We did not hide our civil ceremony and we were treated no differently than those married in the temple. Is this odd? Maybe we were supposed to be embarrassed and I was a convert and
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Military rings loud and clear.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Can we hear some positive information on the acceptance of homosexuality in our culture? I'm quite certain that in my 40+ years on this earth that things have vastly improved. My niece recently brought her girlfriend home to meet my extended family and no one even batted an eyelash..and that includes my parents that are almost 80 and old school Catholic. Mom and I shared a laugh because my bro
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
1. Yes, but if I can avoid admitting I was ever one to begin with that is even better. 2. Yes. I have not attended in over 6 years. 3. None of the above. I never believed. I joined for my boyfriend/husband and played along. Thankfully he found out the truth on his own and is Exmo himself. 2lit1218 sounds like my husband...honey is that you? 4. My husband and I supported each other.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I will have to PONDER over this and get back to you if I think of any..hehe:)
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I believe that many people noticed that something was not kosher about the whole thing. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that was afraid to point it out because surely others would have jumped all over us for not believing her story.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I never understood the implication of my husband(then boyfriend) not taking the sacrament. We were dating and I wasn't a member at the time...I was just taking the discussions. OMG, he must have been so! I'm sure they were thinking he sure had gotten himself a slutty Catholic girl...ooooops, I guess they were right:)
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Hi. I'm in Japan too and our whole family wants to resign. Please let me know if it goes smoothly. If I may ask...what area of Japan are you in?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I've seen mormon mommies post pictures of themselves in their bright red string bikinis on facebook. I was surprised. When I was active I used to catch hell if a tiny bit of my garment top peeked out. Times are changing or I was just in very uptight wards.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Fat's Ok too :)
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Quite frankly the only woman in my last ward that I wanted to be friends with was bipolar. She said what she meant and meant what she said. She was refreshing to be around because she didn't follow all of the others blindly. She had older teenage kids and had been a teacher for 25 yrs. I loved her and she is the only thing I miss since I left the area. Oh, and she still invited our family to
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was the 3rd wheel for a long time myself. I was the youngest of seven kids and the only one that ever moved out of our home state...NY. I always felt lonely and in a big hurry to find someone to love and to love me. I know all older folks tell youngsters to slow down and enjoy your youth and none of us listen, but please try :) Finding a career and traveling are wonderful have
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Didn't President Hinkley do a Larry King interview a few years back and deny any knowledge that the church ever taught such a thing???? I'm pretty sure that was when my husband started researching church history naughty of him :)
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I don't know the validity of this, but I was once told that homosexuality is actually natures way of fighting overpopulation of a species. HHHHmmmmmmm.....sounds natural and reasonable.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was BIC and spent the first 36 years of my life TBM. I knew nothing about the BofA controversy (not a clue), nothing about the genetics, nothing about polyandry, nothing about the theology of blood atonement or Adam-god. I knew nothing about blood oaths or oaths against the US. I am amazed at how sanitized my knowledge of the church was.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Intelligence and common sense are two entirely different things :) Never underestimate the power of common sense in this world.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
.....hmmmm, I heard opiates and depression mentioned as reasons for using them. I didn't think it was totally out there to question whether or not he is self medicating. Again we are only hearing one side. I wasn't being rude or condescending...just concerned. I didn't see where he said he only drinks 1 to 3 times a month..that must have been in another post :)
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks for the kids will love it as much as my husband!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Please take a good look at how you are drinking. If you are drinking to self medicate the emotional pain away I seriously doubt that it is just a little. It may start off innocently enough and then before you know it it can become a crutch that is hard to say goodbye to. I don't think that we can judge what is going on in your life and your drinking by just hearing your side of the story. May
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
All kinds of religions do this to you! I grew up in a very Catholic household and sex was NEVER discussed. I too had to figure out all about tampons and sex on my own. Mormonism isn't alone in leaving the kids in the dark on sex and the human body.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
My sister was teased by a girl in her class for months when she was in third grade. My sister was really short and had coke bottle glasses. Phone calls to the school and trying to talk to the parent of the bully didn't do any good. My mother finally told my sister to punch the girl in the nose the next time the girl bullied her. It was a Catholic school and lets just say the nuns were not please
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Oh, please spare us. If you want to partake of it go ahead. Why do you need to discuss why it is acceptable? I'm so tired of hearing about porn and why it is so perfectly innocent and normal for everyone to view. I don't post very often, but I feel angry when porn discussions come up and those that oppose it are treated like they are prudes. Take a look at statistics on human trafficking, se
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
My boys didn't have a choice. Basket weaving and (leather)wallet making were done by everyone. Sometimes if you are in a small ward in an isolated area you do what you have to!
Forum: Recovery Board
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