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9 years ago
To clarify, I mean what is the church's view...?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
What is the view of stay at home wives? Specifically LDS women without, or prior to, having children.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yeah, it sure seems misleading. I don't think she is misinformed. But, why would she mislead? The only reason I can think of is it sounds less extreme to say a missionary can call home once a month rather than only twice a year.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've read on here that missionaries are only able to call home 2x per year. But, an acquaintance who has a cousin going on a mission said that they can contact home once a month? Which is it? I know they can write letters weekly... Thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
(I hope my exclamation mark in the subject is appreciated. LOL) As a nevermo, mormons seem very "enthusiastic". Whenever I see a woman's blog with a lot of exclamation marks and great enthusiasm, I peg it as a mormon blog. I am often right. Why is that? Also, any notes or cards I have ever received from my mormon relative are always enthusiastic (lots of "wonderful" "a
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I read both boards, and saw this post on the jw board. As a former JW, I can say that they do ask sexual questions but generally only when there is a reason to believe "impropriety" has taken place (a person confesses to something or something was witnessed by someone). From what I gather here, Bishops ask their congregants at regular intervals for the various worthiness interviews. The
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
It was mentioned on a previous post (I think it was "spot the mormons") about being able to tell someone is a mormon by what they are wearing/saying, etc. It was mentioned that a woman wearing make up on the beach or dressed up while her kids looked like ragamuffins was a surefire sign of a mormon. Why is that? I've noticed that the mormons I know tend to overdress for the occasion as w
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I'm an ex-JW who reads on this forum. I also think the religions are very similar...not in beliefs, but in the feelings members and ex-members have. Someone else said something similar on this forum...something like, "Strip away the doctrine, and the emotions are the same." I think JWs are stricter in some things (shunning, no holidays, no college), but I think Mormons have more rit
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
As someone raised JW, I can empathize. I am not d'd, but I'd rather not be on their radar. I don't answer the door when they come. I don't really care if they know I am home and am not answering. That is less awkward than answering but trying not to divulge too much info, or get them to leave. I would be shocked to hear that they put an X on anyone's door or on their sidewalk. They record the
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
So, a possible 8 guests, or 6 guests plus the bride and groom? Sorry to hear that it was a bad experience. Or at least an unattractive venue for your wedding. :(
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Thanks bc!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I think I know the answer to this, but just to be sure....How many people are allowed at the temple wedding of a couple? I know only temple recommend holders are allowed.... My understanding is that as many recommend-holding people can attend as will fit in the particular temple, right? So, say, it wouldn't be unusual for 20 people to witness a couple marrying/being sealed? What about a templ
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Ah, thanks. This is the info I was looking for. "She could wear the dress as part of the temple ceremony or to do sealings, attend a sealing, or work in the temple." But, couldn't she do all of the above things without being endowed? At least attend a sealing without being endowed? Thanks again!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
OP here. Thanks all. Yes, if this was called a "temple dress" and was white, would it ever be worn outside the temple? Or for other ceremonies other than endowment? This is confusing!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Is there any reason someone would have a temple dress other than to go through the endowment ceremony? Would an adult have one to get sealed to parents? Or some other ordinance not requiring endowment? In other words, if someone has a temple dress would you assume they were endowed? Thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Wow, everyone. Thanks so much for the replies. I have a lot of research to do! @goatsgotohell - I'm not sure how much I know. I think I know a lot about Mormonism from reading here and various internet searches, but it is always good to start from the beginning. So thanks for your recommendations! @Mia - Good to know that the BoM doesn't have much doctrine in it. I really didn't want to rea
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
@kimball - Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking of something in the timeframe of the last 30 years or so. However, "Mormon Doctrine" does look interesting. I found it just now on amazon. It looks like "Articles of Faith" is available for kindle. I partly got interested more in the doctrine after reading a little bit about premortality. But, I wanted to get official d
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Anyone have a recommendation for a book that explains Mormon beliefs? I thought the BoM would be a good source, but I can't get into it. I want to learn about the doctrine and beliefs rather than a history. (The history seems interesting,too, but I've heard of several books that detail that.) I guess I'm looking for a good "Mormonism for Dummies" book that is accurate and comprehensive.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My prior post wasn't really in reference to XX-Man...I need to read the posting FAQs to figure out how to post things where I want them....
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I have no problem with people having premarital sex. In fact, I generally think it is a good idea (and I participated in it). What gets me is the facade of wholesome purity while "disobeying" what appears to be a central tenet of the religion. It really gets my ire up, and I have a very hard time being around those people. Obviously, it is the hypocrisy that is bothersome, but there are
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I agree that it seems impossible to remain chaste in these situations. As a non-mo, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around attending church and appearing to obey the WoW, but sleeping with your significant other outside of marriage. Since I've come to understand chastity is so important, I can't believe someone would dare show their face in church along with with their non-mo SO, and als
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I've read several stories of people here who married non mormons or inactive mormons. Those who were TBMs and who dated outside the faith (or dated jack mormons), were you able to stay chaste during courtship? I know the ideal is to not have premarital sex, but how common is it for people to remain chaste? Especially those who dated months or years before marriage? If a couple spends a lot of
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I think snb is probably right. It is just something that annoying people do. But, don't they realize they are being rude and making people uncomfortable? Are they that wrapped up in their own world that they don't know/care how other people feel. I find it so odd.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I didn't want to hijack the thread about Appearance earlier, but it is similar to a topic that I find interesting. I don't know too many mormons, but one mormon couple I know seems to alway be trying to show that they have the perfect relationship and wonderful life. From reading here, that seems to be common. I find the whole thing to have the ring of falseness to it. Whenever I am around t
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks anonymous. This is helpful!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks for the info Crathes and anonymous. This is helpful and informative!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Apostacy for JWs is the ultimate sin. Just leaving is ostracized and problematic, but apostacy is a step up. The shunning is real and very strict.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
So, I've heard that young men (and women) save and pay for their own missions. I also read that the missionaries pay a flat monthly amount to the Church who then distributes an allotment based on where the missionary is serving (i.e., more expensive countries vs. less expensive countries). So, I'm wondering, how much is a mission expected to cost? If a missionary gives the church money monthl
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks for the info!
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks for all the details. That was great. Would you expect a TBM to ever miss the general conference? Or would that be pretty unexpected? Liked your "stats"! LOL
Forum: Recovery Board
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