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8 years ago
Elder Berry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I bet he was baptized. Poor guy. What do you mean by this line? Rick Majerus never would have been dunked while he was alive... do you mean posthumously?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
True, but were manuals with this updated policy distributed to these bishops/clerks yet? If not, it could make TSCC's witch-hunt a lot easier.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I guess the parents could have imposed these restrictions in response to the actions of their daughter but, IMHO, this sounds like something that random Mormon parents would do. I knew plenty of kids in high school (Utah) that had all sorts of random rules imposed on them by their parents, usually because of some religious mandate.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I believe someone already mentioned a good tid-bit of it in a post:,1686096
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
What do you mean? Wear & tear?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Do you really think that unwritten ban is still in effect 130+ years later? I just can't imagine the current LDS Inc. leaders still holding a grudge like that when it happened long before any of them were born.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
That was an interesting read; Perry said/did very similar things when he visited my mission in 2010. It seems like most of the GA's/Apostles only prepare one "mission speech" and then continue to deliver that same speech at every mission they visit for the rest of their lives...
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
My mission president was a buddy of Kikuchi's and convinced him to come speak to our mission twice in the span of a few months. He gave the exact same spiel both times. My mission president told us how inspired Kikuchi was to deliver the same message twice, as it was what we needed to hear. This was in 2010.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
If he made anywhere near 3 million, he is set for life if he makes wise investments. Any future app success would just be a bonus IMO.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
As a former Seattle missionary (2011), there aren't too many Mormons, but more than you would typically find East of the Mormon Corridor. I'd probably guess at a 2-5% Mormon population in the King County area, with a 1/3 activity rate. There's only one stake in Seattle itself, and half of that is made up of 3 singles wards based near UW, as well as a couple of Polynesian speaking wards that draw
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It is a rule, but one that is not obeyed by many a missionary. It's hard enough to get ANYONE to commit their lives + 10% to the church; it would be that much more difficult if mishies had to scramble to find a tag-a-long every time they wanted to meet with/teach a member of the opposite sex. On my mission, only 1 of my companions was strict about this rule.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The video by scythe16 is actually the one I was referring to. The gambling one's good too, but I think the other one is more funny.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Different strokes for different folks... I love their pork, and the portion sizes work great for me.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
There's a great youtube video of this. Just search for "Kissing Hank's ass!"
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Really? You never saw any at UW? I actually was a missionary at UW a few years ago. We were only allowed to "recruit" in Red Square (UW's main open spot on campus), and we were typically there the majority of every day if we weren't teaching/at an appointment. Were you near Red Square very often, or not really? Also, just fyi, there were three sets of missionaries at UW. I believe on
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
onlinemoniker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Who is Ally Isom? And who is Bryan King? Ally Isom = Church PR crony assigned to deal with media in the cases of Kate Kelly, John Dehlin, and others. Bryan King = John Dehlin's stake president.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Did my time (mission) in the Seattle area. Loved it!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
At the TEMPLE? ... Nice :P
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think you are thinking of the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. EFY is a week long camp similar to youth conference.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Prosper Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > kids shouldnt have 2 dads or 2 moms. sorry. > > ... Kids should have mom and dad. Just curious; Why do you believe this exactly? Your opinion certainly isn't backed by any scientific evidence...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I agree, the church has not changed. I finished my mission in 2011; the restoration (aka Joseph Smith) was still the first lesson, and no way in hell was a reactivation as good as a baptism. Numbers, numbers, numbers! Service projects, while you could choose to do them for no more than 2 hrs per week, were NOT emphasized, and many viewed service as a lesser work than proselyting. As far as wa
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
People would go to the non-temple weddings and skip the sealings. If they don't need temple recommends to attend weddings, they wouldn't bother keeping temple standards. This would result in a major loss of tithing dollars. Edit: This would also have the effect of Un-demonizing non-temple weddings, as more and more people would have regular weddings before getting sealed soon after.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
kimball Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > William Smith also attributed the revival to > Reverend Lane in his 1883 (#william) and 1894 > (#lasttestimony) account, stating that Reverend > Lane "preached a sermon on 'what church shall I > join?' And the burden of his discourse was to ask > God, using as a text, 'If any man lack wisdom le
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
By my Mission President? Never. He didn't have to personally deal with the "riff-raff," he just wanted as many numbers as possible. By various ward leaders? Yes. They didn't want anyone who couldn't fit into the middle/upper class family mold.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Technically, bishops and other Mormon leaders are only supposed to ask a handful of specific questions in temple recommend interviews. One of these questions is "Do you obey the law of chastity." So, the Morgbots would be technically correct in saying that masturbation specific questions were never part of the interview process, and many of them are probably not lying about never being
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
-"How do we know, then, that the prophets will never lead us astray? Because the prophets have told us so. I see no need to look for further reassurance than this, my dear members." Lol!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Were they just out tracting or were they heading to an appointment with someone in your complex? Missionaries are encouraged to have a member with them whenever they are teaching someone so the member can "fellowship" the potential convert. Mishies are also encouraged to take young potential missionaries out tracting so they can get a feel for the experience.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Movie fan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 3. Where can I see his NON-TSCC movies? I don't believe any of his post-Mormon films have been released on dvd yet, which is a real shame as I really want to see "Falling" and "Evil Angel." I really hope Mr. Dutcher is able to make these films available to the public in the near-future,
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Not to be a downer, but were you baking or just re-heating them? I believe TSCC doesn't allow actual baking/cooking in their kitchens due to some sort of health code reasons. But, yeah, if the only reason was because they don't trust adults members to clean up after themselves, that's yet another example of TSCC treating YSAs like children.
Forum: Recovery Board