Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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5 years ago
Mormons are much nicer to and accepting of those who slowly drift away. They hold out hope for your return. Condition your friends and family slowly over time and it won't be a major blow to their belief system when you stop coming entirely. I kept most of my circle of friends and family via this route. As others have said, It won't be easy, but it will be so worth it. Living an auth
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
The Chosen do not enjoy mixing with the herd. Elites only invitation as glad handing gets really tiresome. Think the Q15 will all be in attendance when the Pocatello, Idaho temple is dedicated too??
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Hear hear for Blue Orchid. One of the most thoughtful, articulate, insightful posters IMO. And that's saying a ton on this board full of thoughtful, insightful articulate people. Anagrammy is also one of my favorites. A way with a word and always to the point capturing in a few sentences what I couldn't lay down in a page. So many helpful posters over the years, all helping me and many o
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
First, awesome achievement and congratulations all around on med school! I feel bad for you son on the marriage front, but you've received some sound advice from others here on that issue. As a retired Air Force officer, I can tell you the Uniformed school is hands down the way to go. I'm very biased of course, but you will walk away with your MD, residencies lined up, zero debt, and you are
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
Occum's Razor tells me his high roller gambling habit cost him big. I think he's been on a prolonged losing streak and determined Vegas was the cause of all of his problems. Went out in a blaze designed to give the city some of the hurting it had been dishing out to him. Time will tell - he left plenty of clues.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 years ago
He had a good example: The Gospels too were written years after the "fact"...
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
It's not your place to monitor this board badassadam. Many of us here enjoy Honest TBM's posts. We get it's not your cup. Move to the next post and enjoy the variety found here is my unsolicited recommendation.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy...
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I support you either way K. Your posts are genuine and thought-provoking. Keep it up! Are you an ENTP personality by chance? I would guess so... and that's a good thing.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
There is not one piece of goodness on which to build the New Order...that's why these movements peter out in my opinion. Religion in general is fuct for the same reason...the core beliefs are shite. It's kind of like the old Monty Python scene regarding King Arthur: "Watery tarts disseminating scimitars is no basis for a system of government." Or words to that effect:)
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Putting tissues into a sucking chest wound; the bleeding continues and they haven't a clue on how to stem it. Normally, I'd hate to witness such carnage and buffoonery, but this patient deserves the all care it's getting. I especially like the part about how it's OK to think about this particular sin as long as you don't act on it. Meanwhile, unlucky bastards such as myself are doomed to hel
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
"Has an opinion on everything, but can't explain anything." You hit the nail on the head. Quote of the Day!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Love this part too: "And when I am far on the road to conviction and eight men, be they grammatical or otherwise come forward and tell me that they have seen the plates too, and not only seen those plates, but hefted them, I am convinced. I couldn't feel more satisfied and at rest if then entire Whitmer family had testified." Clemens was a natural-born wiseacre. Smart as hell, too.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
A lot of good advice in this thread, so read them all twice and print them out and read them again. Then read Cheryl's one more time. 7 billion people on this planet and more than half are women. Do the math and then decide.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Critical thinking skills aren't a missionary strength. Actually a detriment in the MP's eyes I'm sure.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Evidenced by the fact we care if our threads sink or swim:)
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
The Carriage House was known as Miscarriage House during the 80's - fun fact. More than a few young lasses never made it back for Spring semester after Winter break. My blood pressure still jumps 10 points everytime someone knocks on the front door. Damned Internet.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
1) Discovering we are in one 2) Breaking free 3) Recovering 4) Trying to rescue others 5) Living with the aftermath (Possible divorce, family shunning, friends dropping off the map, 10% pay raise, free weekends, living an authentic life, shelf unburdened, integrity, etc.) One of the common characteristics of the Recovering stage is anger. Lots and lots of righteous ass anger. I'
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I think your last line nails it: We are the Saviors of mankind. Look around, how many people have benefited from man-made improvements to healthcare, education, living conditions in general, clean food and water, etc. over the last 2000 years? Gods (of any flavor) and Jesus certainly don't get in the trenches and develop vaccines, organ transplant technologies, life-saving medications,
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
TSM does it every time.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
You are cut old dog! Keep it up!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Mormons are the only Christian sect that doesn't believe we'll all be together in the afterlife. Too bad they got to your father before he learned that tidbit. I'm sorry your brother didn't get to experience all of life's joys.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Great point randyj and Jude. They've painted themselves into two corners and like a 5 year old trying to undo a lie, they sink deeper. My experience with TBMs concerning these hardball issues is they cop to the, "Well, all the mysteries will be known eventually" plea. BS! We know all of this RIGHT NOW! There are no mysteries in this......either A happened or B happened. They a
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Faith trumps reason? Reason must be destroyed? Sounds like something Joseph Smith might say. Mo-ism versus other sects = Poke in the eye or stick in the ass? Take your choice.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Most likely the comment was unsolicited. As Father of the Ward, the Bish has total and complete authority to pass judgement on all who live within ward boundaries. Including non-members as he is responsible for their salvation as well. They say that kind of stuff to establish the pecking order.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Hosted Monson at a regional conference. He sat like a lump of butter in every meeting practically oozing out of the chair. Offered nothing and seemed content to let the others blather on. He stood to shake hands with the minions after a priesthood session and bent over a rail as everyone passed by like a pope getting his ring kissed. He wears a big, gold Navy ring of some sort. Even as a
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
1000+ for myself. Ooof. Oh were it only Sundays wasted. Double that for me (at minimum) by including meetings and temple days. Makes me want to puke. Then scream. Then punch Monson in the throat. They are wise to provide him a dictator-worthy security detail.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'll give him this: He doesn't see a miracle behind every bush unlike so many other current LDS missionaries. He's not sold on the campus proselytizing either, but bless his heart he does it. Seven whole hours. Whew. (I hate to tell him what grinding 8-10 hours every day at a real job feels like). Hope he gets his transfer this go around...he's been ready to move for awhile. I find it
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
You are a thoughtful young lady. Never lose that. Here's my take on your letter/situation since you asked:) First, none of us want to disappoint our parents (if they were decent people who didn't abuse us for the most part). However, most of us disappoint our parents in various ways over the course of our and their lifetimes. This goes double or triple for faithful LDS parents; striv
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Ken Kesey and Jack Nicholson. Great book and a very underrated film. Felt like I was in an asylum after learning the truth about LDS, Inc.
Forum: Recovery Board