Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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10 years ago
I once had met a dumb mormon
 who's intelligence it seemed was forgone
 tales of a gold bible he did tell 
a lost tribe of israel 
but then, my patience would shorten 
My intellect he did insult
 with tales of a bizarre cult and stories of a man named mormon furthermore he did proceed with frighteningly ardent need to tell me of this church called mormon Please, I admir
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I know it's a pointless pursuit in a way, but I'm just a friendly neighbourhood ex-morgie doing my bit to destroy morgie. I've thrown everything I know at him and it's crushed his arguments, and he comes back with some of the lamest things, and when I said to him about hill cumorah being in north america, he did reply at all lol, I'm just wondering if you'd be kind enough to provide me some link
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
no problem Don Bagley :)
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
You guys like it?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Hi guys, I hope you like it :) I once had met a dumb mormon 
who's intelligence it seemed was forgone
 tales of a gold bible he did tell
 a lost tribe of israel 
but then, my patience would shorten 
My intellect he did insult 
with tales of a bizarre cult and stories of a man named mormon furthermore he did proceed with frighteningly ardent need to tell me of this
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It is quite funny in and of itself when a 'religion' is so much like a business isn't it? Like you mentioned with the member services. Thanks for that advice guys, I appreciate it. It is quite funny when a person needs to go through this kind of rigmarole just in order to not be harassed. I wonder how many members are actually left in morgie now?I said to myself when no way are there 14 millio
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I intend on resigning once I've found a new job outside of TSCC, but I wanted to know if this is a long process or not?, I became aware that there are template letters on the internet. I'd like to remove the "effects" of baptism lol. I'm just ashamed of having my name associated with such an organisation that has a blatant disregard towards any individual thoughts.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Thanks for your reply man
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The Book of Mormon - the play that is, apparently is "Not up to church standards", yet they deem it fit to advertise outside and in the play's programme. Hilarious
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A phrase that I've heard so many times now—and one which I laughed my ass off when I saw someone on this board place the trademark symbol next to it—is the popular phrase: "It's not up to church standards". LOL, If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that one.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Hi guys, I just signed up today, so this is my first posting, so it's nice to finally join the board, I've read all of your posts for some time now. I was a convert to Mormonism, I converted at a time in my life which was a real low point for me, and as you might imagine this intensified under mormon harassment lol. To cut a long story short the reason for this particular posting is that I
Forum: Recovery Board