Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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10 years ago
It isn't just the tattle telling on people who actually did something but the made-up tattle telling people do to get others in trouble cause they're mad at them. We had a guy in my stake who would never have anything to do with a girl. She got mad and when she got pregnant later she confessed to the bishie this guy did it. He went through a court of love with the stake. He got tired of t
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I remember an apostle giving a talk ages ago boasting how the world attempts to get people to behave through the use of outside force, such as laws, prison, and other financial penalties. This apostle went on how tscc does it so much better, as they teach people to change from the inside out. That the change is more meaningful and done voluntarily. I heard that talk when I was a kid and th
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I went with a singles group to a 4th of July fair/music festival. A friend ordered an awesome blossom, if you don't know what they are, its a huge onion cut into strips which is breaded and deep fried. Chili's usually has them. My friend passed it around and we ate it down to the center, which was slightly undercooked and didn't taste good so we stopped eating it. This friend places it on
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
It makes it easier to control it cause society has been condemning you for so long. Not to mention you'll get the beat down if you get aroused in the shower. Good incentive to stay cool. My dad was mentioning a gay guy in the shower at the YMCA. He got aroused and they called the cops on him. Don't know what the cops would do but it happened.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
There was a sister in my ward, divorced but sealed to her former husband. She had a TR and was dating a non-member. They got engaged. During the engagement she slipped up and had sex and got preggers. She confessed and the bishie didn't do anything. He told her since they were engaged not a really big deal. At the time, I was tbm and was pissed considering what I went through to get my ow
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I had a friend married to a cop. They lived in the town he worked in. When he divorced her, she was followed, pulled over, and harassed constantly. Her daughter living with her confirmed all of the problems they encountered. It didn't stop until they got rid of their apartment and moved to another town. Another time, I lived in the south which is bible belt. The people were very frien
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
If you look at the revisionist history of tscc and how rantings by other apostles and presidents has come back to haunt them, its no surprise they no longer make grandiose statements. Especially now, modern technology allows us to examine past statements and see how kooky it is. People are out there recording what they say and posting it online. Even statements in Stake conferences are getti
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I have been very comfortable with tscc and even the temple when I was going through. I read how many of you had problems processing or believing. I've often wondered why I didn't have so much stress going through the temple or even in much of what the church taught. I mean, I was wondering if I was completely gullible all the time and a huge idiot. For me, if something seems irrelevant or
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
In many facets of life there are many choices and options. You're absolutely correct there can be an array of decisions or paths. However, in other decisions, it simplifies things to think in terms of dualism, of two choices. Or at least, to eliminate the extraneous choices which make no sense or don't apply. Life isn't cut and dried but people try to create models of thought which can he
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
There is dualism of sorts in life. Many aspects of a successful life are about balance. You can do too much or too little but its different for everyone based on personality and beliefs. The topic of alcohol: Some can drink socially and have fun and never get out of hand. They have balance. Some can't drink socially as they may have personality issues which drive them to drink to exce
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I've been to LDS Social Services previously to deal with some issues. I was seeking help from a LDS S.S. counselor to help understand my struggles. He flat out told me I was sinning and to stop and that would solve everything. I was so pissed (I am uber-laid back and never get mad-completely out of character for me) my first thought was to take my chair and break it over his head. I was in
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
There were times when I began pursuing women simply because of the pressure to marry. I'm glad I didn't since I'm gay and had not come out to myself, yet. The problem with tscc is how much pressure there is to follow their program, from everyone, the ENTIRE leadership, tbm family, tbm friends. You hear it over and over. TSCC seeks to control so many aspects of life. They have everything fi
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I read a scholarly article about the spread of burial items which had hebraic writing on them. They spread throughout Europe from the south and moved north throughout the rest of Europe. The writings on the burial items evolved over time as they spread outward. I'm not an archealogist or anthropologist so cannot talk as to the quality of the scholarly work. The authors of the paper said
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I remember coming across his blog as a TBM. It took me a few minutes to figure out it was satire or parody, or whatever you call it. I couldn't figure out if I should laugh or be offended. Now, that I see the fraud of tscc, it was genius and very well done.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Curious as to what wiki says about BY, I did a search. They cite a source which states why the blacks were banned from the p-hood and the temple rites. After settling in Utah in 1848, Brigham Young announced a priesthood ban which prohibited all men of black African descent from holding the priesthood.[17] 17...^ a b Bush, Jr, Lester E; Armand L. Mauss (1984). Neither White nor Black: Morm
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I attempted suicide 3! Effing! times. Afterwards, I was still pissed I couldn't pull it off. How screwed up is that?!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
The only portions of the Bible I find inspiring are the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as they deal directly with what Jesus Christ taught. Not so much his miracles, but his teachings on how we should live our lives, the way we should behave. I find a great many of his teachings resonate with me and have improved my life and my relationships with my family and friends. However, I
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Here are some books I've read in mentally exiting mormonism. Some are non-fiction and some are fiction. They all explore faith in tscc in some manner. Its helped me to look and understand things from different angles, along with the different experiences people have had. It was helpful for me to see that I was not alone with my experiences in tscc. When I Was a F*cking Mormon Missionary b
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
We had a guy in my ward secretly marry his non-LDS sweetheart just before leaving. He was afraid he'd lose her, I guess. While on his mission he confessed and got sent back home. She later joined and was a solid member. I remember hearing about this scandal. Although I heard they closed down Thailand because of it, I guess thats not so. I remember hearing the reason they got caught was be
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
alphonso In this GQ article, it is about the Japanese sushi chef who became a confidante to Kim Jong-il. It talks about his interaction with the Honored General and the danger of it. Reading this article made me think of BY and what he might have been like with his arrogance and p
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
This processing of emotions I find interesting. I have always sought to contain my emotions. I don't care for them, most times. They get in the way of reasoning. Religion was never an emotional experience for me. It was about logic and the reasoning behind the laws. Discovering TSCC founders were con men allowed me to dispose of it. It also helped me dispose of religion, in whole. I wa
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Came across a book discussing how the brain seeks to believe, thereby creating delusions, religion, superstitions, and other things. I am buying it. There is both a book and a lecture available on Book: The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies---How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths by Michael Shermer Amazon link: http://www.a
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I hometeach a family who LOVE the Packers with zeal. I was told if I come over while a packer game is on, I have to wait. I told them no problem. I'd watch the game with them and hang out. Have fun.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
alphonso Discovery World has a special exhibit for Les Paul. I've heard about it and want to get there, myself. Sounds real cool. Les Paul's family donated some of his things for the exhibit.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I came out to myself and started researching tscc's history and policies towards lgbt. Realized no man of god would rail so hard on "sin" as to make people commit suicide and then refuse to acknowledge it or even to backpedal on the rhetoric so as to help people repent, instead of offing themselves. Then I dug further and saw everything else was a shambles.
Forum: Recovery Board