Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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10 years ago
As a member I was taught that the Book of Mormon was the most correct book on earth and the keystone holding the arch of Mormonism. Without that keystone the arch will fall. After the 92' Elder Nelson talk about using the seer stone to "translate" the Book for Mormon, members should be calling the church to the carpet. JS didn't translate from the "gold plates". No he
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
This "church" is a cult. Hands down, no questions. My marriage has been suffering since I have found out things and know it's full a curelom sh#$. My wife and I have started to go to counseling. A counselor she picked. I want it to work and so does she. She told him that I'm trying to find negative things about the church and questioned my sources. He told her it is normal when on
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Thanks for all the kind words I'm pretty pissed today. I've gone to a non LDS counselor before but she won't go. It has to be an LDS counselor.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I'm posting under another name just on this post. This church can go to hell. Since finding out the truth, my marriage has been on the rocks. My DW has given me an ultimatum, either my family or to go and live and do whatever the hell I want to do. I have been towing the line for quite awhile, but truth tends to surface and change things. Once a spouse doesn't believe, the teachings and program
Forum: Recovery Board