Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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10 years ago
Graduated high school there a few years ago. 40 out 44 people in the school choir were mormon. It was totally kosher on our choir trip (keep in mind this is a public school) to go to the Conference Center for "historical reasons" More than a few areas have multiple stakes for the same neighborhoods. There is obviously a temple being built there during this mormon growth plateau
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I am a nevermo and I grew up in the Morridor. I hope that one day I can rescue my friends from this cult. Until then I stay updated so I can still speak the lingo and keep up with the ongoings of the Morg.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I grew up in Idaho heavily populated by mormons. 40 out 44 people in the school choir were LDS. After graduating high school 4 years ago I had to get out of dodge. I left the Morridor to see the world. While I do not think the shunning is as bad as it once was. I was never asked to social functions with my lds friends (such as girl ask guy dances). I was basically allowed to come and hang out wi
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Is anyone familiar with any website(s) that are similar to that pertain to other religions? I am currently investigating my religious options (or lack of) and I really enjoy the format and thought process laid out in MT. Thanks for the help....
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I graduated high school on the edge Morridor in the treasure valley just a four years ago. I can tell you as a nonmember your daughter will constantly be lovebombed by every member who chooses to live the "every member is a missionary" lifestyle. Additionally I was restricted in the dating because I was not a member by a lot people. As a male I would have the opportunity to ask a limite
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was never a TBM but grew up all around them. As I moved past high school and onto college. I have noticed that all my friends from high school have looked at more and more like a project to convert vs. a person with my own set of beliefs. I only have two RM friends left who have chosen to not continually ask me to go to church with them and to pray over the BoM. It is frustating at times but I
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I've been thinking about giving a book about Mormonism to my best friend who is a few months fresh off his mission for Xmas. I was wondering if there are any books out there that anyone suggest that would subtly make him think about his beliefs? I understand that this is a small hope and will probably be ineffective. But all it takes is a spark to start a fire. Thanks for the help!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I wanted to thank everyone for their response. I will definitely take these to heart. Sorry for the confusion it is institute but I also just consider it a continuation of mutual. I hope that I can continue to contribute to these boards in a positive manner. Thanks for the help! See yall around!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I apologize for my spelling and grammar but I am hastily typing this as I should be studying for my classes. I feel though a little background would be appropriate and fill in the blanks so you may understand the context of my questions. I lived on what I think is the edge of Morridor around the treasure valley (Idaho) since I was approximately 8. I learned quickly around the age of 8 tha
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Others you do not even know have responded proving that there are people who care. I suggest that you talk to a medical professional with no affiliation with the TSCC If you need just someone to talk to you can contact me at
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My sister attends ISU right now. After visiting her campus I would rate it 7/10. Its a little to close to the Berg for at least me. Boise is a much better place if you can swing that way.
Forum: Recovery Board