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8 years ago
Long time lurker and infrequent poster here. I've never really put my story down in writing before. I'm hoping it will help me to put my thoughts down. I was BIC, TBM through and through. Dad was a Bishop and Stake President. Went to BYU, served a mission in Eastern Europe where I was AP. So I was pretty invested in this whole sack of bulls***. That said, I've always had those questions in the
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
On my mission I remember someone was baptized, then at the confirmation there was this big scene because the new convert had stolen someone's cell phone. All the members pretty much barred anyone from leaving until they figured out who it was. I don't think she ever actually got confirmed...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I don't know if they take you to the room with the veil or not, but if they do, you should walk up to the front and find the mallet. Then give three distinct taps and say, "What is wanted?" Or you could give the the "sure sign of the nail" when you shake your tour guide's hand...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
"My opinion is that the Church only stands because of group insulation. There's an illusion of unanimity. Any one that makes public that he doesn't buy the story of Joseph Smith will cause much more damage than you think, directly proportional to his credibility within the Church." Thanks for these words. The church reminds me of Asch's conformity experiment:
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I want to, but I don't want to. I've seen people post the threads that ensue, and I know there would be a good deal of debate and gossip because of it. I'm usually the kind that tries to avoid confrontation if possible. At least on thing like politics and religion. I don't particularly enjoy the idea of openly exposing my ideas and opinions of TSCC to an open forum of the world. BUT the ot
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That's really interesting. Another instance of whitewashing history. The way Mormons talk about it you'd think half the pioneers died crossing the plains...
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
How the "brethren" consistently seem to send "ethnic" looking missionaries to what they perceive to be their home country? Like, if someone looks native american, they'll get sent to Arizona Navajo speaking, or if they're of Mexican heritage, maybe they'll get sent to Colombia? Or at least somewhere Spanish speaking? I was just looking at a picture of a friend who is of
Forum: Recovery Board