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7 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Apologies for the delay in my response, I haven't had a chance to visit this site for a couple days. With regards to the letter, it was posted publicly on another exmormon site which I understand is not to be named on this site. Incidentally, it is my understanding the CES letter also went public on that site.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Stupid phone - this post was an accident.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Elijah Unabel
While I love the ces letter, it does have some sarcasm and condescending comments that a tbm could find offensive. I think this latest letter is largely free of offensive comments. And yet, I'm afraid you are correct - there probably aren't many tbms who would read it objectively. My wife sure wouldn't.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Elijah Unabel
This is the saddest part for me. This guy obviously cares a lot about his family if he put so much into a letter to help them understand why he no longer believes. His wife certainly isn't showing the same level of consideration for him. I hope some day she will read the letter, but if not, I hope at least his kids will.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Elijah Unabel
That was my first impulse too. I didn't think there was much to add to the CES letter, but I was wrong.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Today I ran across another great letter which someone wrote to his wife and children. It is very long (even longer than the CES letter), but does a very good job articulating many of the issues with the church. I thought it was well written and insightful, and therefore wanted to pass it on in case anyone here might find it helpful. Unfortunately, the author's intended audience, i.e., his wife
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
I thought the article was bad enough, but it was the comments that turned my stomach. From the blog comments, it would appear that testimonies are strongly correlated with ignorance.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
I don't recall hearing the silver fox speak, and I'm pretty sure I would have noticed. Besides the German accent, I would have heard the characteristic thuds as swooning women hit the floor.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Yep, I found that part disturbing too. Can't say I enjoy knowing my daughters are getting the message that their dad is replaceable since I can't attend their weddings, give them blessings, etc.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
When I was a kid, our ward would make an annual trip to the Seattle temple. I agree with you, it seemed special because it was such an uncommon occurrence, it took some effort, and it was the main focus for the entire day. As an adult, when I've lived close to a temple, the youth temple trips just seemed like an inconvenience several times a year (to adults and youth). It was just something t
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
"Is it OK for a NeverMo to occasionally post..." Personally, I like the perspectives that NeverMos add to the discussions here on RfM.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
That's the great thing about mormonism - they've switched positions so many times, they've got all the angles covered. In this case, it's a simple pivot back to Adam-God. They just have to highlight BY's inspiration on the matter while suppressing information to the contrary. Sure, this may not sound easy, but tscc has plenty of experience doing just this sort of thing.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
I didn't see too much on RfM about Women's Conference, so I thought I'd share a few things that stuck out to me. As a caveat, I was in the adjoining room doing taxes while my wife watched, so I only paid attention when something particularly nauseating caught my attention. You'll all be glad to know that Monson was in attendance. He was slouching big time and appeared weak and fatigued. It loo
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
The term "junk DNA" is generally used to refer to introns in the dna sequence. Introns are not used to code proteins and are therefore often considered useless. In that sense, we all have a heck of a lot of junk dna. Good luck with your seminar, hist. It sounds interesting. Incidentally, if the topic of junk dna does come up, be aware that it isn't as junky as it sounds - there's evi
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
So sorry to hear what you and your wife are going through, and I wish you both the best. This is a time for you and your wife to focus on yourselves and your wife's recovery, and not a time to worry about social niceties. As others have stated, if you don't want the missionaries around you or your wife, don't hesitate to give them the boot.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel The church's efforts to supplant Native American cultural history with the pretend, demeaning story of Lamanites was bad enough in and of itself. Unfortunately, the abuse suffered by some participants makes it even worse. I hope the victims get the compensation they deser
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Research indicates a number of benefits associated with caffeine, including improved memory and reduced risk of skin cancer, Alzheimer's, kidney stones, etc.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Correlation is not causation. As noted in the article, the link may be due to differences in mother behaviors, i.e., mothers who are at a higher risk for miscarriage may consume more caffeine. However, it is unlikely that this subtle distinction will be appreciated by Mormons who get giddy at every piece of flimsy "evidence" that supports their premise that tscc is true and led by
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Glad to hear your mom is getting some help. I wish her the best in her recovery.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
I can relate to your situation. In my wife's eyes, I'm the one at fault for changing, and it's not the church's fault for lying and deceiving. I wish I could give you some advice on how to help your wife see the truth, but as I have been an abject failure in that area, all I can do is wish you good luck.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Of course there are obnoxious, self centered visiting teachers, but there are also a lot of caring visiting teachers who just aren't good with social protocols. I think it would be perfectly acceptable for you to contact the bishop or visiting teachers and inform them of your mother's physical constraints. Additionally, you should inform them of the measures they should take to protect your mothe
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
"Both sides are motivated by genuine fears of a world in which they are mistreated." I sincerely wish that more people had the capacity to see both sides of an issue. In so many of the divisive issues we face in the u.s., opposite sides demonize one another and fail to understand or acknowledge the legitimate motivations and good intentions of the other side. Your daughter shows a le
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Things haven't been going well for the book of Mormon on Amazon ever since a Utah stake commanded members to give it a five star review. Since that time, the percent of 1 star reviews increased from 29% to 35%, the most popular review is a brilliant satire comparing the bom to a pay-to-win role playing game (if you haven't read this review, you really should), and now the top positive (5 star rev
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
In the other thread, op stated that circumcision was equivalent to a woman having her breasts or clitoris removed, and bona dea simply asked for some perspective. I suppose that if you equate circumcision with a double mastectomy or the barbaric act of female genital mutilation, then yes, bona dea's comment could be interpreted as indifferent to male genital mutilation. I just struggle with under
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
I'm not sure why we're going to beat this dead horse some more - it's not going to get any deader. However, I think it is disingenuous to characterize bona dea's comments as indicating she is indifferent towards male genital mutilation. That certainly was not her sentiment at all and I'm disappointed that you would make such an implication. I realize you're not ready to consider any perspective o
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
To a large extent, it depends on how many genes were characterized to determine ethnicity. However, offhand, it certainly looks suspicious. Just for fun, you might see if your brother has any dominant traits which neither your mom nor dad possesses. If so, it would indicate that he got some genes from someone other than your mom or dad. A few dominant traits you could look for include: Widow
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
And for good reason. The powder river basin in Wyoming is one of the most productive coal mines in the world and it, along with other coal mines, contributes a huge amount to Wyoming's coffers. With demand for coal disappearing in the u.s., looking at the international market is a reasonable reaction by Wyoming. However, having spent time in the field of mining, I just don't think it's a realisti
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
Crandall was operated by a subsidiary of Murray, and Murray is notorious in the mining industry. I know of one instance where a mine was for sale and Murray expressed interest in purchasing it. The company selling the mine wouldn't even consider selling it to Murray due to Murray's track record. I'm sorry for what your family is going through. It's a tough time to be in the coal business.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
You seem concerned that God told your stake president about your activities with your boyfriend. However, you can rest assured that the stake president didn't need inspiration. First of all, as another poster indicated, the sp could probably see it on your face. From your post, it appears you're doing your best to live the impossible standards the church sets, so you probably don't lie on a r
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Elijah Unabel
The only way someone could think it is a good idea to export coal from Utah to the international market is if they're relying on revelation instead of market analysis. Coal is on a downward trajectory and has way too much liability. I know the CEO of the company that was trying to expand port capacity in Oregon to allow for coal exports from Wyoming. After years of work and millions of dollars, h
Forum: Recovery Board