Recovery Board  : RfM
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8 years ago
They know JS used a rock in a hat. They said so themselves. But they are still portraying it as "translating" it from the plates. Here's Eyring and Holland grinning and fully supporting it being misrepresented just weeks after the rock announcement... Look at
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
So basically this was the Sheriff's idea. He said to print the No Trespassing form off his website and deliver it or mail it or he would take it to them, and if they come back to call him and he would come and charge them with a crime. We were like for real? He's like yup, that's how it works. It's a Class 1 Misdemeanor...
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yeah but I don't care about that. They can do whatever they want, excommunicate, declare apostasy, disfellowhip, discipline, whatever. They can believe whatever they want and practice whatever they long as it stays in their own little bubble. But I am letting them know that I am the real authority over my life, and they are irrelevant, and their bullshit stops at my property line. I
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Those would require evidence of a threat or harrassment. The No Trespass order is better because anybody can do it for any reason without any court process or expenses. And it's legally binding. The law will back you up. All you have to do is notify them in some way that they are not allowed on your property. You can do it verbally, or in writing, by certified mail, email, phone, or you can have
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Nope. Not resigning. That whole process is part of a system designed to intimidate and control. We reject that on principle. They've asked us to resign in writing. We're like "No, we're not obligated to sign anything. You should just leave us alone." Apparently that just fries their circuits. lol
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
So I showed up, on time, nicely dressed, for their disciplinary hearing. And the Bishop and his cronies grinned confidently, clearly pleased with themselves. For they had summoned me and here I was...and then I was like "oh I'm just here to give you this". Surprise motherfuckers! haha! Felt SOOO GOOOD!!! Highly recommend it. Not sure about laws in other st
Forum: Recovery Board