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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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4 years ago
What if someone has a CoExist shirt? and wears it to the mall or pancake house , oh my OH MY!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Since when are Texas Steakhouse resturants on school grounds? haha, preposturous
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Where can I get a bumper sticker that says "In Krishna we trust", as maybe I am a Krishn'an. You got to love how the saying "IN God we Trust" is assumed to only mean Abrahamic one. oh well, people and their broad assumptions. Plus a lot of people don't really trust the OT Diety, I mean deep down. in reality. perhaps with good reason, just saying, fine if folks want to, just so
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Odd how gods always require people to believe in them to feel important!, and always require worship or else!! Actually,When someone is worthy of Love? it simply comes natural, why would you have to demand it or otherwise sizzle folks arghh!? or put them in a dark box forever for not loving you? lol, perfect Divine Love gets quite a weird definition when left to we humans,haha. Some times Val
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Right we need athiests I the world to help us REALLY think. critically, they challenge us to think and explain our positions, which often, leads to people waking up some, or thinking outside box
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
we are Energy actually, made of Light, information, vibration, frequency, i.e. Energy!, our body is just our spacesuit that helps us walk and mover around/ interact with earth. Someday you wont need your spacesuit for planet earth anymore, or it's built in little computer(your brain). Qauntum science is proving consciousness does not!! originate in our brain, (but not fully sure where comes from)
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
We are not!! these categories! (all these denominations man has come up with) we are not really "categories" at all anyway, it is all so silly, creates division and hurt feelings. FAmily should supercede all of it ! even in the articles of faith it clearly says, They believe everyone should be able to worship according to their own feelings and beliefs. Its written right in the A of F.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Do we Have to be in a dogmatic organized relig that spoon feeds you every single drop of what you have to believe? and think? or can we just be spiritual in our own way? I take the good from Hindu, Zen. Taoism, even some of Jesus words (minus the devil/ hell stuff).Spirituality comes quite naturally from within, from heart, does not have to be manufactured or evoked out by business leaders really
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
For me personally waiting to be "sealed" to my parents watching Johnny Lingo for the what? 20th time by then?, I chuckled outloud, thinking the old lady attendent was joking and would at least let us kids pass the time with a Disney film or something, nope! Good ole original Johnny Lingo again, at age 18 by then, I was not impressed and kept looking at My wrists and wondered which way y
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
like me , when I once a month ,or twice a month feel like buying a brewskie or two-ski, I live deep in "southern Baptist-land) and look over my shoulder like I am buying crak or something, lol, because people here assume Jesus' wine? was actually grape juice made in ancient welche's grape juice factories thousands of years ago, lol, if my funny analogy helps here. haha. Believe me you will g
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
if one likes wearing a cult-uniform , rock it, if not? don't. (simple)
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Don't worry too much, we are not, I repeat NOT! these categories that people love to pigeon- hole themselves into. Many people realize that, when they get older. I read tons of atheist stuff, and people converting to other religions- stuff ,on topix, youtube, reddit, my own personal spiritual journey when deciding what I wanted to "Be" and I can tell you , tons of young folks s
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Tell your ex, challenge her to read all the pro's and con's out there, Truth loves when you question it! so that you may more fully know the TRUTH, believe me, an all- Powerful God would not be scared of atheists and naysayers, or anyone that says anything against a religion because that would not make a God, a lover of TRUTH, nervous at all, tell her that, and to really really research all the p
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
As a dad , who got custody of my 2 boys, as they grew up (wife got into drugs etc.) , usually the custodial parent in the eyes of the court has the say in what religion the children are brought up in. You can ask your attrny But that is usually the case though, sadly minors are never really asked which religion/ or denomination that they prefer? it is always up to the custodial parent. Plus who a
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
It's a miniture cult'.ure within the larger culture(society). Then again all human religion is man-made. All denominations are. even Jesus himself, the character Jesus, never said to make 100's of diff denominations, I am kind of Buddhist /Hindu myself,(mystic side of that, but grew up LDS)but I like much of Jesus teachings (minus the hell/devil parts which I view as untrue). Anyway, take it fro
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
While I'm no longer a "full- fledged believer/ literalist believer" in the Bible, I do recognize that the Bible does have a few good words in there , within Psalms ,Proverbs or certain words of Jesus' teachings (minus the hell bits), though Proverbs sounds very close to ancient Chinese Proverbs for some reason, anyway, Does anyone else study, Hindu or Buddhist concepts? I have starte
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Like Jesus himself wasn't dark skinned? and from Northern Africa so to speak? Some may say Jerusalem is actually in Asia, but still that is not a Caucasian area. Or I guess people can Imagine Jesus was light skinned Caucasian with Red hair?, as usually it's depicted that way. Ethnocentric thinking is odd. everyone wants it to be Their way I guess.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Then the bible is full of" better than true", it's called metaphors, parables,& allegories, things to relate a notion, or idea.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
truth is a funny word. because what it really means is this. Whatever is true to the holders of same said "truth" is their truth. An ultimate 1 Truth for everybody on earth across the board? Good luck, doesn't exist, and doesn't work like that. Human minds don't work like that, it is why people congregate in groups. of folks that think alike, hence? their truth.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
yes treat missionaries good, it is not their fault, most have never known anything else, and their heart is trying to be in the right place, make parents and leaders proud etc. Better to try to get in a word or 2 in a nice way, to get them to thinking, I like to explain to them some Buddhist/Hindu notions, just to say there are other ways to explain how Life works, but I am respectful, & nice
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I mean think about it, "Perfect Divine Love"? Imagine the most loving father you have ever,ever seen. Would he suddenly become angry and throw fits or have mood swings?,Or bring physical pain on others to teach them? (it's nonsense). weeping wailing gnashing of teeth in spirit realm?? what teeth? lol. I like what one psychologist/counselor said, he said," I feel like I cannot even
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
What if God is not a white- bearded angry/mood swingy male king on a cloud throne? that throws lightening bolts, heckfire and curses around?, (man's definition) and ancient man's assumptions. Can you see how we made "the divine" in our image? and assume perfect Divine love must be 100% like us humans? (reread old testament). I like how certain Hindu's describe" God", basica
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
imagine getting to Heaven and Jesus says: "I never said to start 2 hundred diff denominations!!, I only said "Come Follow Me" , which simply meant BE LIKE ME!"...In our hearts we already know that, I think, and we know we are not these categories, we are Not categories! Just love everyone, it is even and illusion that people are black,white,asian etc., temporary illusion in
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
!!Simply Spiritual!!. *(one does not have to be organized religious even though org religion likes to say you have to) . Once I understood how certain people in the far east understand pantheism/ panentheism etc, and their philosophy I had the "aha moment". Life itself (nature, the living Cosmos we live inside, is "God".) its ok if that sounds nuts, but deep in heart
Forum: Recovery Board