Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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1 year ago
I don't know how to define pornography but I know it when I see it and the more I see it the better I know it.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I have it from the highest levels of the Brethren that the following two new verses of We Thank Thee Oh God For A Prophet are going to be unveiled by the Mormon Taber...oops...the Choir on Temple Square in Saturday's general conference session: "We thank thee oh God for our Joseph to con us in these latter days; and we thank thee for all of the Brethren to lighten our wallets more each
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I read the Book of Mormon, wading through this chloroform in print for what seemed an eternity and then tested the Moroni promise to pray to learn if the book is true. After pleading with God for an answer I felt a burning in my bosom. I praised the Lord for his answer. But after the burning hurt more and more for several minutes, I called 911 and was told by the emergency room physician that I
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
My mole at Church headquarters has informed me that at Oct. conference next week, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (Satan wins again) is going to premier the following two new verses to the Mormon hymn "Praise to the Man": Verse 4 Praise to the man who bullshit Jehovah; never met a man he couldn't defraud; with stone in his hat he claimed convenient revelations; even told his flock
Forum: Recovery Board
2 years ago
I heard on a podcast that the wearing of temple garments is now optional. Does anyone know if this is true? Anyone have any references on this?
Forum: Recovery Board