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13 years ago
I like how the things they don't screw up are the professional concert music and a football stadium, which are almost not religious at all :D Mormons are good at lots of stuff... just nothing relating to religion. hahaha...
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
They should be required to gain custodial parental consent. If you are still married, or if you are not and she is the residential parent, it may not matter to them. If you raise an issue about it, though, I would wager that there's a chance they might back off. Probably depends on the local people, imo.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'm in the middle of that book right now, it's an excellent read. I disagree with some things that the author says, both in this book and his others, because of his lack of religious beliefs altogether - but he makes a lot of fine points about the FLDS, as well as the mainstreamers and church history. And most of what he says can be verified through historically accurate, or even Mormon sources.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
That comment is ridiculous. I agree with almost everything else in the thread though :D
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
1) A church feeding the needy or aiding those in need does not make it a good church per se. Mormon units in our area helped a lot of flood victims this year, in cooperation with a lot of other churches, basing out of other churches in the area, but most of those churches are ones I would not likely set foot in, due to the hypocrisy and absurdity of some of their beliefs. At the time, of course,
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I think that my wife will go whichever way I go. That in and of itself tells me that she really doesn't believe it, she's just been TBM all of her life and doesn't know differently. But she's already basically said she'll go if I go, if it's important to me, and she probably (prob) won't go if I stop.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My temp solution is to start job hunting and/or looking for school options while sticking with current employment. Bishop/Boss has mostly gone silent on the church situation, hasn't pestered me to attend more often, come in for appt, etc - has kept our interactions professional, or friendly, and has left church out of it (Probably because he can't remember his own name if it isn't stapled to his
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I hear you. The same is true of a lot of people/companies in life. I wish there was an infallible lie detector that we could give everyone culpable in these sorts of cases... at least we could weed out and discipline the ones who are deceiving churchgoers, customers, patients, and etc purposefully.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
"A legal suit against TSCC for using dubious,unproven, using claims of having a prophet who talks to God, in order to entice and solicit money from members is tantamount to cheating. The entire GA is liable to be jailed (OMG) for life, because the illegally gained moneys involved is now more US$50 billion." This would not work, simply due to the fact that it's not illegal t
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
That actually makes some sense. FYI, I read/watched The Excommunication of Lyndon Lamborn via YouTube. Anyone seen this and have opinions? Much of what he said is pretty much the same as how I feel, and I assume that a lot of you have as well. It's interesting how members of a bishopric might have/did react though - someone is attacking my beliefs, and I feel as though they make sense? Dro
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Re: The trinity - I disagree that the two beliefs are that similar, but I agree wholeheartedly with you that the 'this makes sense' argument is starting to seem powered by circular logic. Sigh. Re: Employment - unfortunately, given my degree/education scenario, or lack thereof, puts me in a bad job situation in this market. The company I'm with now has huge potential and I'm locked into a rais
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I think it's less strong than it seems. Coming from someone who's still vaguely a member but am probably on my way out... wards are losing members, in a trickle. The member counts are of course not counting actives, but members of record. And I think that the poster above that mentioned the internet as a reason - that's a big one. People can be, or become, more informed in these times.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It widely varies. My family (myself and wife and daughter) have never cared about TV, movies, etc, but we always tried not to go out to the store, etc, until recently. Some families are reading/watching nothing that isn't church related or spiritual, etc... depends on the TBMs.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'll check out that site! Thanks.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
So, following the advice of the people above, I should just ignore this guy, and keep him from shoving of and ignoring this place? :p
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
No, bashing is 'Baptists believe more in john the baptist than jesus' or 'mormons are all polygamists and all leaders in their church are evil and 'in on the con' " And people who are antagonistic are of no help to me. This is my first reach out for support, and I'd rather not be heckled. It's odd enough as is. I never once said the 'truth is bashing.'
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It seems to me as though it's impossible to swallow hook line and sinker without truly indoctrinating yourself - it's why you are asked to read, pray, attend meetings, do callings, temple, etc constantly - constant immersion fosters belief. But then, if it was true, that would make sense in a legit way, too.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
And what do we do about the veiled threats regarding our responsibility due to our being endowed members, and all of that. If the church happened to be true... That's a question worth asking to be honest. What, doctrinally, happens then? We go to a lesser kingdom when we die? Is that honestly a killer problem anyway? *shrug*
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I'm just looking around. Let me preface my story with this: Just like there are people who bash any religion, there are people who bash Mormons. I know the difference between ignorant bashing and legitimate discussion. I know what, for the most part, the church teaches on doctrinal points. I don't need or care for idiotic comments or nonsen
Forum: Recovery Board