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9 years ago
The episode is posted on youtube as well.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I have a few...When I was a freshman at a junior college in Southern Utah I went to some beginning of semester dance on campus with my roommates. A random guy asked me to dance and then asked for my number. Didn't feel comfortable giving it to him but I was too naive/nice and did. He asked me out on a double date the next weekend. I only said yes because I could bring my friend. He picked us up a
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I'm jealous of all you with only a handful of TBM facebook friends... Here's a reaction that was particularly eye-roll inducing: "In the words of Phil Robertson, I am happy, happy, happy!!! What a rock star conference session. Elder Christofferson spoke to my heart with a message I needed, especially this past week. I just know if I could meet Elder Holland we would be BFF's. I love th
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
My brother thought the reason my husband and I stopped going to church was because we were lazy. And my Mom did pull the "deep down you know its true, you'll be back" card. Nope. Not happening.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I saw four of them shopping at the Goodwill in Murray yesterday. They all walked to the book section and started going through every single book in the store. I really wanted to ask them what they were doing because I know it wasn't their p-day.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Oh and I forgot to add that one time my Dad was called in for a meeting with the Bishop and it was just a big sales pitch for Amway. The Bishop strongly urged my Dad to invest! He stormed out of his office. He was so mad it happened in the eighties and I still hear about it. Lol.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Two of my TBM cousins had Husbands who were Bishops who cheated on them. One left my cousin and was caught with his new wife in an adult book store/theater doing something "adult" and arrested. It was really embarrassing for him because he was a prominent business owner in a small town in Texas and it made all the local papers. The other one was just an idiot. He was seen all over
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Lol yes. Another thing I have noticed is that they always have to tell you about the local branch they visited! Along with a comment about how small that ward is and they are right on schedule with the lesson and how comforting it is that no matter where you go, the church is always the same!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Ugh I was reading about this last night so disgusted!!! These people are sick! Just because they wanted a another baby (they already had 5!) That gives them the right to steal one?! And they have raised over $20,000 for a retrial?! Here is their paypal/testimony page.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Once I left the church I really wanted to believe in a god, but the more I learn about science the less logical a god seems.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I have a friend who named her girl "Embri" Like embryo. I know somebody else who is pregnant. If its a boy they are naming him Hinkley and i f its a girl they are naming her Adley?! It seems like all the names now end with Bri Den Lee or Gan.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Ha! All the people I know who get government assistance are TBM's with young children.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
"Bad" movies or tv shows, Rap music. Doing anything or Being anywhere that gave "bad feelings" I remember my sister was excited to go to a concert with her friends and my brother told my Mom he had a "bad feeling" about her going so she didn't get to go. She was so ticked. Oh and her friends went and had an awesome time and nothing happened.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
UGH! I've had several friends say they are running out to buy guns and ammunition and stocking up on soda and junk food because Obama is going to ban it all! Also several people have said this means this really is the end of times because evil has prevailed and all of their personal freedoms are going to be taken away! So much doom and gloom and cynicism. And then they end the posts with, "w
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Wow Fidget. I lived there four years and was miserable. I thought I was the only exmo in town!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I know right? It seemed like the bad reviews were the same at every place I read about, "They charge too much, Dr. is rude, ect. But I found a place. Thanks for the replies!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I just got a new Kitten and have been trying to find a Vet for him. Problem is, every vet in the area has HORRIBLE online reviews. Does anyone have a vet in the Salt Lake area they are happy with and would recommend?!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My Dad reacted pretty much the same way when I told him I didn't believe. He talks to me but now he is always saying what a difficult child I was to raise and how difficult a person I am. (He never used to say things like that before.) I think me leaving the church has tainted his memory of me. I really don't even think he likes me as a person now. Sad when church comes first before family.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My Mom fully admits that the only reason she got married at age 22 is because all of her friends were married and she thought she was an old maid. She has told us many times she regrets it. She and my Dad fight all the time and can't stand the sight of each other. It was their marriage that first made me question the teachings of the church because they were soooo unhappy. Once enough kids moved
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I saw this blog today about a girl who asked some of her lds guy friends why she wasn't dating more and they told her it was because She has red hair, She's a return missionary, and she was too smart. Wow...
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The last ward I attended was a singles ward and at every excrement meeting about 90% of the people in the audience were playing on their phones.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Very interesting article! Thanks for sharing.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I hated all the time I wasted going to stupid young women's activities, attending church and seminary. I was really shy and didn't have any friends in my ward so every camp, activity and conference really sucked. I was miserable at every single one but if I didn't go, my parents would yell at me. I just wish I could have had more free time to hang out with my friends and have more fun. I remember
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
*Snap!* You go Virl!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Ahh reminds me of the time I was living at home and my mom found my box of green tea. She scolded me about how bad it was for me and I shouldn't drink it because the wow says! I told her I'd read study after study explaining the health benefits of green tea and that I didn't believe in the wow. (I'd already "come out" as a non-believer at this point so I couldn't believe she still expec
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I snooped around on that link you posted and found Eric's website. Its very...sparkly.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
"The Church is perfect, but the members are not" Such BS...
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
UGH! My parents made me go. My tenth grade year I had the worst seminary teacher ever. He found out my friend had a boyfriend and every day would lecture her that it was wrong and they needed to break up asap because they were too young and bad things would happen to them if they didn't break up. It was really creepy. If he found out students hadn't brought their scriptures to class he would yell
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My brother was in the Portland Oregon mission from about 1998-2000. Had some entertaining stories from the mission but now obnoxiously TBM. (Worse now than when he was on his mission!)Married with kids so now he's cemented in!
Forum: Recovery Board
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