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11 years ago
Totally agree. I once mentioned to a member that I believed god awas all powerful,everywhere and could do anyting. The Mormon god was some guy who got a promotion, not all powerful, and carried grudges. That didn't sit too well. Then I had a revelation(?) It's all made up. Seriously I just woke up on morning and *poof*
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
If you don't want to keep them for the record, Half-Price books will buy them. They bought mine, around $3 I think.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It hurts, and when it happens the first time, you think it's only that person. Then it happens again with others. Then you feel foolish (sad, mad, used) Finally a lesson I learned.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
OMFSM The comments,starting to see less, "the church is true" stuff. Or is it just more people looking into it because of the elections.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A friend from work went last year and liked it so much she's saving to go again.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I didn't see it as hate. I saw it as, there is education beyond school. So sorry you took it that way. I was a little off topic, but no more than when people ask "what country are you from?" and you get posts saying , Florida or Ohio.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Good +1
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
38. Hmmmm
I have been asked, recently. I said "bless this food" I don't know how much milage you're going to get out of me blessing anything, but I can't ask imaginary people to do it :)
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
WoW I guess. High School graduate. When I wasn't at one of 2 full time jobs. I took care of ailing parents and friends full time. I also rescued kids from the street, off the radar of social services. Have a good working relationship with the current people under the bridge. (strange how there is always a bridge near me and how people are living under it and I'm the only o
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Notice they now want you to put in your member number.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
latest version I have is 2006
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
oops wrong spot
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
GSA will not allow it's programs to be adjusted to church specifications, which is why no Girl Scouts. Too bad BSA couldn't find the stones to take a stand as well.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Good Grief, don't let her watch Harry Potter movies. Brooms don't really fly.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Romans has someting pretty close for woemn - bottoms. In color Haven't seen anyplace that sells thing teeshirts that are too wide in the neck though.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A post get closed after approx 30 replies. It's not set in stone, I believe it depends on how lengthy as well. The Cyber "weight". I asked for no contact. I ask every time someone show up, or writes or calls. I'm polite and have less emotion than Mr.Spock (v 1.1) Still they come. I've contacted leaders, Bishop and SP. Still they come. the SP said "well, Sister XX001,
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
" If you don't want HT, VT, calls/letters from bishops, EQP, SP, etc. then why don't you speak up and say so?" I have asked. More than once. More than twice. Since they can no longer reach my home, they show up at work. Security here is afraid to ask them to leave. So I have to make the 1100 foot trip from my desk to the lobby and say No,again and trek back. Granded I need the
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It's a store, a little like Whole Foods but cheaper.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Oh No, I didn't know. I'm from his hometown the one he called "greentown" in Dandelion Wine. The town (Waukegan) was very much as he described it I love the magic he put in the everyday activities of kids, it wsa like that for me until we moved to s suburb.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
51. Welcome
Thanks to Bill Hamblin there are quite a few posts here right now on Anti-Semitism.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I’m moving to another zip code within the next 30 days. That puts me in another Stake. There is a member who apparently has been assigned “inactives”. At first I thought she was someone just being friendly, we have a lot in common and I’d try to contact her to do stuff or talk. She only had time once every 30 days. At first I thought, no, She’s not like that. Turns out she is. Of
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Suddenly: Multiple sons-in-law.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
He's flying there. Use that money to have her fly to you'all? If you can provide safe surrounding for her, wouldn't that be better?
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I went through the endowment in 2011 (or 2010, I forget). No one mentioned anything aobut it.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
In the regular world, even id men do offer to shake my had, I just say, "sorry,arthritis" and a brief smile. They're usually OK with that. In TSSC over 50% will actually grab your hand and squeeze. I've written before about on "brother" who did that when I asked him not to. The last time he started to do it I told him if he did, I'd drop him. He looked at his wife like
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
He managed to get married nad have kids and a wife who will go places with him,so he must function faily well, jsut not in the "usual" way. Just as you would like people to know more about you, I bet he'd like people to know him a little too.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
They're (mostly) teen-age boys. If you serve them veggies, tehy'll eat them,but they're not going to buy them. Most guys think lettuce and tomatoe on a sandwich meet MDR. There are exceptions,,
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
No, I did it a couple of times in 2009. "opening prayer in Sacrement" <oops!! pre-1980> nevermind
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was baptized in 2009. Women getting baptized did "bear there testimony" I didnt want to, and didn't. In the earlier thread is mentioned women not being able to give the opening prayer in sacrament meeting. I did,aand so did many others. I suspect it's one of thoses "regional" differences and not a actual rule. That's another thing that bothered me, the rules varied
Forum: Recovery Board