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12 years ago
There is a book, but I can't find a copy. I only find it referenced. Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse (35665)
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Last of the mohicans? I watched that for class in high school. Amistad was another good one.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I still have my temple clothes. I should pull out the robe, but I can't remember which is better...the right or the left shoulder? That would be a great way to get them to leave you alone. Answer the door in temple garb.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was just reading this article that someone else posted. Even though it is focused on marriage, it highlights some of the challenges you will face maintaining an "active inside view." Take a look at number 5. 5. Communication. A fifth concern is a lack of openness in Mormon culture. We Latter-day Saint
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Probably not. Watching rated R movies is so commonplace in the church. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people that will not watch a rated R movie. Just like there are people that won't drink pepsi, do anything on Sunday, etc. But, I saw rated R movies in bishops houses, stake president's houses, etc. Good luck finding a mormon male who hasn't seen the Matrix, Die hard, or any of the classi
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
There is a quote that I heard when I was in the MTC. It has helped me to understand why mormons have no boundaries. "Consider that you are invited to a friend’s house for breakfast. On the table you see a large pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice from which your host fills his glass. But he offers you none. Finally, you ask, “Could I have a glass of orange juice?” He replies
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I am actually making some this year. I have never done it before, thought it would be worth a shot. I have a few goals for my transition out of mormonism, some at work, and of course the typical "get in better shape."
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
My favorite rated r movie experience? I became good friends with my book of mormon professor at BYU. After the class, I would assist with grading. One Friday, he asked me if I wanted to go see Saving Private Ryan with him. He said he wanted to see it, but his wife hated those types of movies. That experience helped me as I was leaving the church to make sense of all the "spiritual" e
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
+1 on the blend. We had a lot of dogs growing up, mostly pure bred. The best dog we ever had, by far, was a boxer-lab mix.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Wow, at least you were honest. The first worthiness interview I remember was when I was 12. It was to go do dead dunkings for the first time. The guy had recently been called to the bishopric, so I could tell he was nervous. He would look at the question, pause, then say something to me like "you don't smoke, right?" He did it in such an odd way that I laughed and said "no, I quit
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
The link Fetal Diety posted shows it was reported by Dr. Willard Richards and Elder Wilford Woodruff. Richards was the private secretary of Joseph Smith and the Church Historian and Recorder.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
My dad is in his 60s, and let's just say that I have a rule in my email that moves any messages with Obama, bush, romney, etc. in it to the trash can. When it was looking like Obama would win, he told me "I just don't think the US is ready for a black president." My answer was I think the US will do fine with a black president, I think it is you who isn't ready. But, I don't think it
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I agree. Mormonism, as painful as it was, did a good job of giving you purpose. I can now see how f'ed up that purpose was, but once you walk away and resolve to never go back, you are left struggling to fill that void.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I am glad I don't own a house. Living in Utah, I ran from bad wards even when I was active. When we were first married, we moved into a ward and they made us nursery leaders. We moved out of that apartment as fast as we could. I like where I live now, but thankfully they haven't found me. I log in to once a week to see what ward my membership is tied to, thankfully it is still my old o
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I am jealous. I didn't baptize a ton of people on my mission, but there were a few. I haven't had the courage to reach out to them (or anyone) to let them know I no longer believe. But it makes the pain that comes with leaving the church that much stronger - knowing that I was a part of conning other people.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Congratulations. At least your husband had the balls to confront him. I was in the elder's quorum presidency when I stopped attending, and the president was my home teacher. I just stopped going, didn't answer the door, and hid from them. Then I moved three months later. Honestly, the mention of struggling and testimony triggers a programed response (for me at least) of sin or being offended.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Nope, it will just keep you stateside. I have a family member with on a mission right now that tested positive for TB.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I have worked professionally with Outback and a few other companies like them. I know several directors of programs like Outback. I think the only mormon slant that comes in is a lot of the people that run the programs are mormon. But, a lot of them aren't. And, the mormons I have met that work at these companies have been the most laid back, tolerate mormons I have ever met. I think the ma
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
You're welcome. Hard to argue with their own handbooks.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I was such an asshole on my mission. I was so focused on following the rules. I remember arriving to one area on my mission as a senior companion. My junior companion was showing me around, he had been there for a few months. The first day after lunch (the members provided us lunch), he laid down on the couch and started to take a nap - at the member's house. I couldn't believe it, and told hi
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
I did until I moved to Utah. I grew up in areas with very few mormons, out east. There was a sense of community and a willingness to help. As an example, there was a group in the ward that called themselves Saturday Warriors. Every saturday, they would do projects - roofings, retile a bathroom, finish a basement, etc. I never experienced anything like that in Utah.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Wow. That's some high priest group conversation going on there.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Just make sure you empty your bank account before you have that conversation.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Sealing after Civil Marriage A husband and wife who were married outside a temple may be sealed after one full year from the time of the civil marriage. However, this one-year waiting period does not apply to worthy couples in the following cases: 1. The temple in which the couple will be sealed is in a country that requires a civil marriage and does not recognize a marriage in the temple.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Here's a great resource:
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
They aren't even allowed to read "Miracle of Forgiveness" on their mission. I guess it made too many missionaries confess of past sins and go home. I would love to see what other "elective" readings like that one would do.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
In Utah and Idaho, it is a full-time job. In "the mission field" it is early morning for one hour a day. Or, in some areas, they teach it in the evenings.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
For me, I started reading exit stories online. Mormon brainwashing mad me doubt everything else. Exit stories seemed more real - harder to argue with personal experiences. I would share them with my wife, but only if she wanted me to. After a while, she was reading up on things all by herself. They have to be in the right frame of mind.
Forum: Recovery Board
12 years ago
Thanks for the list SusieQ. I still have a looooong way to go, especially this part: there are no more resentments, anger, regrets, or self recrimination, explosive responses, name calling, etc.
Forum: Recovery Board