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7 years ago
Just don't tell your guests:
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm sure it happens, but it's not like a movie. Those are awfully expensive tickets not to have some idea what you're getting into. But then, Mormons pay a lot more than that for admission to the temple with no idea what's in store. I guess some people don't mind expensive surprises!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
He's not interested (for whatever reason) and doesn't want to say it, possibly to spare your feelings. Either accept him and the situation as it is, or tell him, "Hey, I am only interested in a romantic relationship. If that's not what you want, I'm out." Remember that catchphrase from a few years back? He's just not that into you. It's okay.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
What do you mean? You explicitly asked him if he was interested in having a sexual relationship with you, and he just remained silent?
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Have you tried asking him? He probably knows what's going on in his own mind better than anyone here.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Colorado Springs is dominated by Evangelical Christians and the military. I imagine the majority of contact in the areas would involve being told they're not real Christians and need to find the real Jesus. The whole area is very conservative. Compared to other assignments around the world, he should be pretty safe. The Pike's Peak area is beautiful, so hopefully he'll be disobedient enough to
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Oh, the scandal! At least say it was a mimosa!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Like Maladice, I would worry about the day his guilt wins out and he decides it's time to live his religion. If that ever happened, you would be the loser. Kudos to your ex for protecting his children. I, personally, would find your boyfriend's hypocrisy unacceptable. I would have a big problem being in a relationship with someone who lacked the courage of his convictions. I am sympathetic
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'M NOT TELLING ANYONE ELSE HOW TO FEEL, but I think of baptism for the dead as nothing more than an elaborate prayer ritual. While I may think it's nonsense, I wouldn't be upset at the thought of a Catholic friend lighting a candle and saying a prayer for my soul. There is a strong tradition in Christianity of trying to intercede on behalf of the dead to save their souls. The Mormon version is j
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I recommend a book called "Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay" by Mira Kirshenbaum. It provides a clear technique to sort and analyze your thoughts and feelings.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
This is true, but there are ways to respond to a subpoena but still get out of providing the testimony. For example, privileged communication and self-incrimination.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Your cart is about a mile ahead of your horse. You're absolutely right to see marriage as something you might like to do several years in the future. One of the nice things about that is not having to worry about the details. Even if you figured it all out now, it will probably be ridiculously irrelevant by the time such an event takes place. In the meantime, focus on becoming independent f
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I say gesundheit, because it seems socially expected to say something. I don't like bless you, because I don't care for the religious or superstition associations, but I certainly don't mind when anyone says it to me.They are only trying to be polite, and courtesy is nothing to be offended by. I'd never comment or feel put out if someone did not acknowledge my sneeze. The other day I sneezed i
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I wouldn't call that "bad" behavior. There's nothing wrong with choosing not to join in with a stranger's party. They might have thought joining in would be like crashing a party. You also don't know what was going on in their own lives. For all you know, their grandma just died.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Here is the actual review I posted: This film is a very slick piece of PR. It does a fine job of profiling a handful of good, interesting people who happen to be Mormons. It pulls out all the stops to warm the heart and dispel the notion that Mormons are just weird, racist, sexist, non-Christians. What it does not do is provide an accurate portrayal of typical Mormons, their practices, or thei
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I watched "Meet the Mormons" on Netflix. I wrote a brief review that basically said, "This is PR and does not reflect reality." My review was blocked within an hour. If you're actually curious, there are a lot of reviews for Meet the Mormons on Netflix. There are the expected Mormon support statements, but there are also a lot from non-Mormons. Most seem to be complaini
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Yes, you can just ignore and avoid the bishop. You owe him nothing. If he does not give up and tracks you down, just tell him, "I am no longer a member of your church, and I am not going to discuss it with you." Hang up, walk away, repeat as necessary.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Go if you really want to, or if you truly think it will be therapeutic. If you don't really want to go, or you think it will be harmful -- don't go! Take the money and go somewhere and do something that will make your life better. $2000 can buy a very nice vacation.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Every culture and region has manners and habits that others find off-putting. Some places expect a big show of sweetness and smiles, no matter how fake. Others find that disingenuous and it makes them uneasy. Some people, like yourself, find personal questions intrusive. Those asking probably feel they are showing interest in you. My friends from Denver recently moved to the bible belt,
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
I'm in line with the traditionalists. This is an old-school crowd pleaser. One of the things people like about it is the familiarity. I wouldn't mess with tiers and all. There are plenty of other opportunities for experimenting, but if the cake was requested, the requester probably wants the expected. You can't go wrong if you stick with a classic.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Do you have any domestic skills or inclination? Sometimes you can get free room and board for working in a home. A ranch? What about getting an RV and living on the road for a while? Discover the perfect place you never knew and sell it when you're done. Denver has indeed become traffic hell :( Northern Vermont has some true real estate bargains.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Besides the other excellent ways to say no, it's also okay to call them out: When you refuse to take no for an answer, I feel like you only care about getting my money. I value our relationship, and it hurts me that you don't respect my feelings on this matter. How would you feel if I kept pressuring you into something you didn't want every time we spoke? I really don't feel like sp
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
It's perfectly normal for people in any given region to tend to dress similarly. What you're doing right now, looking around and feeling compelled to blend in, is what most people do. You're just noticing because you're in a new place that's quite different from what you're used to. A culture like Mormonism that values conformity is going to do it even more.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Good. Extreme pride in one's country is what turns healthy patriotism into destructive nationalism.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Although I was raised in the church my a multi-generational Mormon family, my parents were mostly Jackmo, and in my teen years I drifted away. At 22, I was re-activated with a vengeance. The explanation of how and why this happened is complicated. The result was that I stopped drinking tea and coffee, started drinking soda and juice, stopped being a vegetarian, married a gay man in the temple,
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
There is not enough information here to evaluate the situation. It really could have just been a compliment.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
This is good advice. Just because he was fed up in that moment, it doesn't mean he's had it altogether.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
You're not going to get a single definitive answer about grace. The concept of grace has been the crux of most of the biggest schisms in Christian history.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
Give them time to figure out that you are not your faith. Right or wrong, they had a lot of dreams and expectations that have not worked out. Every time you spend time together, and they will realize that you are still their daughter, that you are still a good person, they will be more able to come to terms with their new reality. At least they were loving, rather than angry or hateful. That b
Forum: Recovery Board
7 years ago
The purpose of a resignation letter is to inform the church of your resignation. Anything else is extraneous and unnecessary. If you feel better using the resignation letter as a chance to express yourself, go ahead, but don't expect anything to come of it.
Forum: Recovery Board