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11 years ago
I wish my TBM wife would come to this site and read these posts. Her mum still treats her like a child (she's 29) and I have always associated it with her Mormonism. She (my wife) retorts that my parents aren't like hers - which is true - and so it has nothing to do with her being Mormon. Personally, I think I just got lucky, because most Mormon parents treat their adult children like young child
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Is there any real world evidence that #3 works at all, in any circumstances? It's the same technique used by cold-callers, recruitment agencies, MLM scammers etc. And yet I can't think of a single person who would allow themselves to be manipulated into purchasing the product. At best, extremely weak-willed individuals might schedule a second appointment against their own wishes, and then find an
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
That's what you get when you use the oldest guy is the leader model. It might have worked in the 19th Century when old was 60, but these days Prophets aren't taking their position until they are in their 80s.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
We know his approximate net worth, and we can assume he has paid approximately 10%, as a minimum. Nobody needs to know the exact amount.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I have one random Mormon friend associated with the sponsored product on FB every time I log on. Glad to see all that tithing money put to good use. Zuckerberg must be doing very well out of it anyway.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My parents are approaching retirement with almost nothing. They haven't even paid off their mortgage. They will have to downsize to a 2 bedroom house with the equity they do own in their current property. They will have an income of around £12k per year pension. They will pay around £2k of that in more tithing. I will be responsible for looking after them financially in old age, because all
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
One of the comments basically said "but this is a nice area! the body must have been brought here." Yeah. Somebody gets murdered in one of those areas where people are always getting murdered, and just to piss off the Mormons living in the nice neighbourhood, they drag the body there and make no attempt to conceal it or hide any evidence.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
With enough faith you can move mountains! What's that? You gave him a blessing he would be entirely cured of his terminal cancer? I guess you didn't have enough faith. With enough faith you can move mountains!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Noah's flood didn't kill them because they weren't human? I guess they weren't animals either, because otherwise Noah would have saved them in the ark!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Interesting that a lot of people swung in the opposite direction to that which they were raised in their family home. My parents were very left wing economically, and right wing socially. I moved in the exact opposite direction on both issues. I wonder how much of it is an inbuilt motivation to rebel?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
If the Pope declared tomorrow that Catholicism wasn't true, that it was built on a 1900 year deception, and that he was disbanding the church, do you think there would be hundreds of thousands of suicides and tens of thousands made unemployed? Of course not! The only person to be declared mentally ill would be the Pope. Everybody else would carry on as normal, and his outburst remembered on
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I'm an agnostic atheist. I am not at all fundamentalist about my lack of a belief in deity. I just don't believe in one. So there isn't really a "next" for me - just the realisation that this is all there is, and I've got the rest of my life to appreciate it all, before I return to dust and live on for a couple of generations in people's memories.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I have always been on the right economically, and roughly in the middle socially. Since leaving TSCC I have moved further rightward, economically, and further left socially to the point where "libertarian" most accurately describes my political views. I am not quite comfortable with that label, however, and so prefer the softer sounding "conservative liberal". I want the go
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
According to witnesses, when he translated with his head in the hat, the words (or letters) would appear one at a time and would only disappear when they were correctly repeated back. The translation must have been perfect. The most likely explanation (for the TBM) has to be "printing errors".
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Just resign again, and this time waive your rights for a cooling off period. Tell them it is effective immediately. The end.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Why doesn't somebody get on the news and tell the world that Catholicism is not true? Why doesn't somebody get on the news and spill the beans about Islam not being true? Why doesn't somebody get on the news and make sure everybody knows that Sikhism, or Judaism, or Hinduism isn't literally true, and that bad things have been done in the names of all religions? What about the Jehovah's Witnesses,
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A classy response:
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I sincerely hope he dies soon. I want to see Boyd KKK Packer as Prophet, Seer and Revelator. I am looking forward to all the new revelations, as I suspect he will be the first Prophet in decades to claim to speak for God. And it won't be pretty.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I love my TBM wife too. But I wouldn't choose to marry her, given the choice again, and knowing what I know now.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The church has a budget for hiring DJs for dances too. But when it came to paying me, they seemed to prefer it was only used for "expenses". When they paid a regular non-member they managed to find £350 per night.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
82. +1
I'd love to own a gun, but I live in police state where only the police and criminals own guns.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I once thought I was about to have a showdown with my TBM wife, in similar circumstances. But it didn't work out. I can't even remember the details now, but it ended after about 30 minutes with a debate about how just because something is "on the internet" doesn't make it true.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Worshipping a dead con-man, or a made-up God? Tough one.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I from British so I can't comment on your situation, but over here they are only looking to see if you are currently in secure employment - what happened in the past isn't really relevant. Most lenders here wouldn't care as long as you had been with your current employer for more than 6 months.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
"Mitt Romney has a life-time of church service that would normally be campaign trail gold dust for a presidential candidate. So why is the Republican candidate so reluctant to talk about his Mormon faith?" The article isn't as good as the question it asks, but it shows other
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I thought about saying "lots of guns" but then figured most people could only shoot one at once, so choosing one really big gun would make the most practical sense. In any case, the ability to escape with your 2 years of food and water, without getting killed, would be the most important bit. The gun (or guns) are just to make you feel in control of the situation.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I have heard adults claim the reason they don't have any children is because they don't want to bring life into this world of suffering and hatred... Fair enough, but my children bring a lot of joy to me. Am I the selfish one? Interesting.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My dad was a Bishop, as TBM as they come, and an adult convert. He used to drink non-alcoholic beer in public. One day, a sister in the ward had a private word with him about "the appearance of evil". He told her she was being silly, and carried on.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I think keeping a 72 hours kit is good practical advice. But if you're planning on keeping 2 years food storage I recommend you also keep a gun and plenty of ammo to hand, as well as an armoured truck to make a quick exit. Your neighbours will outnumber you.
Forum: Recovery Board