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8 years ago
It's disappointing to feel your parents don't put you and your family as more of a priority than they obviously do. On the other hand, thank goodness you won't have to put up with their unloving attitudes for an entire week. I'm sure a day or two will seem long enough!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I signed up once to feed the missionaries when the passed around a list in RS several years ago. Then I was told that the missionaries needed to eat dinner at 5:00 so that they would have the evening free for appointments. But they couldn't be in my home with me and my children without my husband there. He would have to take off early from work. I told them someone else could feed them.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Two out of 10,000 volunteers were not Catholic! Isn't is marvelous that they were Mormon and not Baptist or Methodist. And they're known as "THE Mormon volunteers". How self-serving is this article?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm certainly not defending your ex, but when I read your original post, I read "real Thanksgiving dinner" as more benign. If they are staying in a rental home, there might be some question as to what would be served for dinner--Chinese takeaway, a grocery store's "complete Thanksgiving meal", etc. By saying "real Thanksgiving dinner" it's showing they intend to co
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Whatever your ex's motivations are, at least he is making an effort to spend time with his kids for Thanksgiving. My guess is that is probably a one-time thing and not a new annual tradition. Be gracious to your children by not saying anything negative about it. If their dad is a jerk and his wife is a bitch, they know it without your pointing it out to them. If your kids have a miserable ti
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
In my state there are a few counties where the county clerk has stated that s/he will not personally issue licenses to gay couples BUT there are people in the office who will. No one will be denied a marriage license. I don't know why Rowan County, KY hasn't figured something like that out.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
if you're not sure what styles of beer you like, I would order a beer flight if one's available. There are usually five or six sample sized glasses of the brewery's offerings. I like the dark beers- porter and stout- the best. My husband likes lighter, hoppier styles.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Yes. I also park at the far end of the parking lots at grocery and mart stores.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
We went to Cove Fort several years ago while we were still TBM. The couple who were our tour guides were so obnxiously agressive about referrals, that it made me very uncomfortable. You would have thought they were paid based on the number of referrals they generated. I couldn't imagine being a noMo on that tour. The pressure to agree to missionary visits would put them off Mormonism for go
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Too many church leaders are more concerned with filling in the blanks on the ward organizational chart than they are with the "spiritual health" of the membership. "Bishop, I don't think I believe anymore." "Great, sister. I have five callings I need to fill in Primary. I'll put you down for one of them."
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
TSCC has a sexual harassment hotline at headquarters, but it's only for priesthood holders (leaders?) to use? Unbelievable. Sounds like it's there only as a PR stunt so they can tell the media that of course TSCC is dealing with harassment.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
You're right. How can TSCC prove that this rock is THE actual peepstone Joe used? Does is still have his fingerprints on it?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It's made of fool's gold.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Speaking of peep stones and golden plates, remember the story of Joe running 3 miles through the woods carrying the (very heavy) plates to escape bad guys running after him? I'm sure the latest explanation will be was the Joe was actually carrying the peepstone, not the plates and that's why he could outrun them.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Try drinking a glass of tart cherry juice before bed. I know of several people that say it helps them sleep better.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Why couldn't Joe have put his head in the hat without the rock? If he didn't need the gold plates there in front of him, why would he need a rock?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I would recommend seeing The World War I Musuem.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm an exMormon I lived it I learned it I left it
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
"Crossing the prairie, pioneers so brave. Faced many dangers, but were unafraid."
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I'm making rhubarb pie and will be drinking oatmeal porter. My husband will probably have something hoppier like an IPA. What will you be serving?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Did you know that there are three other states that also celebrate Mormon pioneer day? Illinois- because the Mormons left. Nebraska- because the Mormons kept going. California- because the Mormons stopped before they got to California.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Good for you for being there for your daughter because it's important to her. But I can't believe that you, as mother of the bride, were even asked to tend kids you never even met. Of course they (groom's family) must consider themselves the righteous side of the family in this union, and you unworthy exmo not welcome inside the temple, might as well make yourself useful while you're just stand
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I've been to a couple of weddings held in a Mormon chapel. (Both were in the RS room.) Both times the father of the bride walked his daughter down the aisle.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
An internet headline about the funeral said Packer was known for his humor and wit. I thought, acording to Packer, that funerals were supposed to be about the "gospel" and nothing about the person. Why is he being mentioned at all at his funeral?
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Once I was getting ready to go through the veil and you're supposed to tell the veil guy your secret password name. When I did, some old guy temple worker grabbed my elbow, pulled me backwards, and hissed at me,"Where did you get that name? That was yesterday's name!" They gave me the current name and I did the veil thingy. But since you think the name in your head a few times
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
On the headline for the article about his death today in my local Midwest newspaper the headline was "High-ranking Mormon leader Boyd Parker Dies at Age 90." (They at least spelled his name correctly in the article.) The man who would be king and most people have never even heard of him.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
I remember getting yelled at in nursery because I touched the record player. I was just trying to help. The music was over and I was putting the arm back in its place. I remember in Primary--I was maybe 9 or 10-- asking the teacher why we were called the church of Jesus Christ when we never talked about Jesus. I never did get a good answer. And shame on me for sticking it out for another 4
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
This article was linked on my facebook feed. Here is one of my TBM relative's comment about it: "To me this is another reason to have faith in and follow the prophet. The church has been criticized for venturing out into the business world and establishing their own for profit companys. If things do progress this way and the church does lose it tax exemption the LDS church will not be
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
It's probably nothing, but please get it checked out. My aunt had a metallic taste in her mouth. It turned out to be a brain tumor.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
Can you imagine what a strain all the visitors can place on a small ward in a vacation area? I'm thinking of Garden City, Utah near Bear Lake. It's a small town and I bet they can get two or three times the number of visitors vs. ward members in the summer. I would hate to be the nursery leader there.
Forum: Recovery Board