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9 years ago
So, My family and I are moving soon. We are moving into a nice neighborhood here in New Zealand. My wife is super excited because we will be living right next to a less active family. She has been brushing up on her cookie, and brownie making and already has a menu of potluck casseroles that she is going to prepare for them over the first 3 months. For my part,I have been making sure to bring t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
gentleben Print it out, and keep it handy. :-)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Don't feel bad for them,I served a mission and I can tell you that missionaries have hundreds of this type of relationship while on their mission. They will forget about you after the next transfer. You worry about taking care of you.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Reading this felt like a reworded version of the old lds standby response to people leaving. They were offended, blame the victim, they are unwilling to engage in civil discourse on the truthfulness of the gospel. Oh, and btw, the church is perfect, the members are not. I am also sick of the use of derogatory/loaded terms used to describe those who have discovered the truth. Floundering, struggli
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
LDS inc. Literally has trademarked the sales tactics that they are using on you. Don't fall for it, it's a costly product they are peddling.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Surface pro 2, with adobe creative cloud and office 365.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Ha ha,I read stuff like this, and the 303song "don't trust a mo" just pops into my head.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Did you read the article? You have to remove the spaces in the URL, it's about a recent attempt by non believers (aka Satanists) to hold a black Sabbath on campus. The catholic church effectively shut it down. And no,I don't believe in Christianity, ergo I don't believe in Satan. I still maintain we need to standup for Satan though.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I thought Jehovah, or Elohim was the old testament good. And Jesus atoned for humanity in regards to the old law, and replaced it with his own law. Hence the apostasy from the old laws. Am I splitting hairs?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Well said, thanks!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I think this is the most ironic part. Jesus is a myth that describes the heroic martyrdom of an apostate. The Mormon church itself was born from an apostasy, and yet the establishment continues the cycle of violence against apostates.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
http://www. vice .com/read/muslims-for-satan?utm_source=vicefbus
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I was thinking about this today, and it struck me that the traditional Jesus figure is a celebrated apostate of Judaism. And his story kind of parallels the plight that many Mormon apostates endure. 1. A deep understanding of the doctrine leads to some level of admiration from faithful peers. (Jesus at the temple at age 8) 2. As time passes, the apostate is less able to maintain the pious lie,
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
How the hell does anybody know but him, and his girlfriend? Mormon shaming, public ridicule, and clerical fiduciary misconduct at its finest I suspect.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Not so O/T, reworded as "after 23 years as a Mormon, woman finds truth of the church in facebook in 15 minutes." Probably doesn't make the news much because it happens quite often I suspect.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
That would be Kimball in the masterful work titled "The miracle of forgiveness"
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I would disagree that they have provided great wisdom.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I have the same issues. PTSD is a term I have heard often in the therapy room.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
did the following conversation happen: Barack: Who's coming? Michelle: The Mormons. Barack: What? Why? Michelle: I ran into them at the market, they looked cold and hungry Barack: Why didn't you just buy them a hamburger? Now they'll know where we live! Michelle: Oh, stop. It's fine. Hide the coffee maker, and the wine rack.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Come on Mormons! If you're going to try to justify your misogynistic leanings...well, just stop trying to justify them!
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
23 years old, fell ass backwards into the most amazing woman in the the world. 16 years later, and I still don't know what she sees in me, but I could not live a day without her.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Is that why they fired him?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
gentleben according to this article it appears so. A cursory look at the numbers don't seem to jive with GC announced figures however. 84000 missionaries averaging 6 converts per year would mean 504,000 new members, I think the numbers were around 200,000 if I recall correctly. Anybody able to do a more detailed breakdown
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
I think you could say the same thing about Steve Jobs, and Apple. I had to buy my own scriptures for my mission, Apple gives laptops, and iPads to tens of thousands of students every year. It's sad that a church is greedier than big corporations.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
Microsoft 1. Bill Gates has given Billions over the last 2 decades to humanitarian / charity aid, and has promised to give almost all his wealth. 2. MS hosts Build Conference, and gives me an XBox, phones, and cash 3. MS has given me tons of free software, training, etc over the years. 4. My annual cost to MS is around $800 for an MSDN Pro subscription. LDS 1. Has given millions in aid,
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
You don't need to go through any special ritual to undo the baptism, or endowment for that matter. Just send a letter to the member records, and resign by proxy. That should undo everything.
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
gentleben With the comment "...this perfectly describes my faith..." Uh, no it doesn't, and it's extremely derogatory to Mormons.. Why are TBMs so brain dead?
Forum: Recovery Board
10 years ago
On my mission investigators were required to pay a tithing before being baptized. Japan 1994-96
Forum: Recovery Board